[mou] Pacifis Loon-Garrison

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sun, 15 Oct 2006 19:42:22 -0500

Found a relatively close in nonbreeding plumage adult Pacific Loon at
Garrison, Crow Wing County today.  The bird was best seen from the pull-offs
just south of the Garrison public access.  This access is the one at the
south end of Garrison and easily seen from Highway 169.  The bird was also
seen from the rock wall in town but was pretty distant from this point
today.  We were unable to find either of the two Pacific Loons reported in
recent days south of here in Mille Lacs County.

Actually we felt pretty good about finding this bird as we counted 859 loons
on the western shore of Mille Lacs in about 5 hours today.  Most were too
far out to identify as to species but were close enough to clearly call

While looking at the Pacific Loon, a White-winged Scoter flew into the scope
and was clearly seen as it worked its way past Garrison and on south over
the lake never landing.

Dennis and Barbara Martin