[mou] Pool 8, Miss. R.,MN & WI; Houston Co, MN

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 18:33:37 -0700 (PDT)

All waterfowl in Pool 8 (LaCrosse to Reno, MN, Genoa,
Most waterfowl in WI, east side & middle Pool 8,
numbers into the 10,000s, mostly Canvasbacks. Raft of
waterfowl stretches 1/4 mile wide & 2 miles long,
I viewed from Hwy 26, Houston Co. MN. From deck south
of Brownsville & wherever safe to pull off the
highway. In WI, view from Hwy. 35 north & south of
Stoddard. Also from Genoa Old Settlers'Park, if open.
Forest road is south of Brownsville, MN. Look for
heavy DNR pipe gate. Walk in. Wear an orange vest at
least. I do not know all the hunting seasons, but
squirrels now & I think turkeys for bow hunters.
Remember how blaze orange looks like autumn leaves!

Horned Grebe
Am. White Pelican..........300+
Double-crstd. Corm.
Great Blue H.
Great Egret
Can. Goose
Tundra Swan................125+
Wood D., Gadwall, Am. Wigeon, Am. Black D., Blue-w.
Teal (2), No. Pintail, Green-w.Teal, Canvasback,
(thousands, maybe more), Ring-n. Duck, L. Scaup, Ruddy
Bald E.....................12
Am. Coot
and more

Forest trail, unmarked, on foot, no vehicles. Look for
the ugly DNR pipe gate about 10" diameter across from
a wide spot in Hwy 26, west side. This entrance is
about 0.2 mile south of RR Mile Marker 147 on the RR
track between the highway & the River. A new viewing
area & highway pull-off is under construction near RR
Mile Marker 147.

Best birds:

E. Phoebe
Tufted Titmouse
Brown Creeper
House Wren
Winter Wren
both kinglets
Gray-cheeked Thrush---2
Am. Robin----100+, very noisy
Cdar Waxwing
Yell. r. Warbler
Fox Sp.
Song Sp.
White-thrtd. Sp.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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