[mou] North Shore weekend birds

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sat, 21 Oct 2006 16:53:54 -0500

Chris Benson and Mike Hendrickson called regarding the following 
species of interest along the North Shore of Lake Superior:
Ross's Goose -- two immatures still present at Two Harbors Golf Course 
as of 10/20;
Long-tailed Duck -- one near Rowing Club on harbor side of Park Point 
White-winged Scoter -- one in Agate Bay, Two Harbors 10/20;
Western Grebe -- found by Dan Svingen at Agate Bay, Two Harbors 10/20;
Three-toed Woodpecker -- found by CCB at private residence adjacent to 
the Harbor View Apartments in Two Harbors 10/21;
Black-backed Woodpecker -- still present in Two Harbors -- walk trails 
east of the lighthouse;
Mountain Bluebird -- female still present in Duluth at Bayfront Park 
and vicinity as of 10/21;
Townsend's Solitaire -- found by CCB near ballfields at Park Point 
Recreation Area, Duluth 10/21.
Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN