[mou] St. Louis, Aitkin Counties +

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Sun, 22 Oct 2006 07:45:34 -0500

Any day that you see a Mountain Bluebird in Minnesota is an excellent 
birding day, right?


Nathan & I traveled to Duluth, Two Harbors, Rice Lake & northern Mille Lacs 
Lake yesterday.

A dog flushed the M. Bluebird at Bayfront Park in Duluth just past 8:00 AM 
(understand that a later group had even better looks at the cement plant) - 
life & state bird for both of us.  We then traveled to 12th Street - Park 
Point - Stoney Point (and the previously posted fire numbers along 61) - 
Knife River and Two Harbors.

No scoters, no Long-tailed Ducks, no Harlequin.  Sigh.  Days like this 
happen, and we've been incredibly blessed in the past along the North Shore. 
A Golden Eagle (hawk flight was solid along 61), small flock of Redpolls 
(Stoney Point) and a probable Thayer's at Knife River kept us going.  1:00 
PM in Two Harbors, do we continue the northern tour?  Particularly in light 
of van problems?

No!  Head south, middle aged and young man.  To 210, to Rice Lake; light 
permitting, to Mille Lacs.

Rice Lake was a bit quieter than expected:  single BB Plover (among numerous 
snipe), at least 72 Tundra Swans, assorted ducks.  On to Wealthwood along 
the northern shore of Mille Lacs.

Scan the loons, Commons galore.  Turn the scope over to son.  Upturned beak, 
smaller loon, life Red-throated for Nathan (thanks, Peder, for the report & 
details).  Dive, dive, never come up again on this side of the heat shimmer 
for dad.  Sigh.

And the blue van?  Probably it's last major trip (204K miles, many birding), 
time for retirement.

Still, upon further reflection, a birding day is by definition a good day, 
and the Mountain Bluebird was worthwhile.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties