[mou] CAGU & other NW birds

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:54:02 -0500

Bob Dunlap and I spent Saturday and Sunday birding Mahnomen, Norman, Polk, 
Clay, and Wilkin Counties. Our best bird was found this morning around 11, 
which was the California Gull at the Hawley landfill. It was relocated a 
little later by Kim Eckert and his MBW group, but it was on the east side of 
190th st. in a gravel pit when he found it. Bob and I originally had it in 
the dump itself on the west side of the road. Some pictures were taken by 
Bob and I, and notes were taken. Here are some of the better birds from this 
Gray Jay-Norman County-Just north of Syre on Hwy. 32 in a pine and cedar 
grove, across from the cemetery.
Bohemian Waxwing-Mahnomen County-1 bird in the town of Mahnomen across the 
Hwy. from the casino in a crabapple tree.
Surf Scoter-Polk County-Oak Lake near Erskine.
Short-eared Owl-Polk County-4 miles south of the CR 44 and CR 45 junction SE 
of Crookston, then 1/2 mile east.
Great Horned Owl-Polk County-calling at the same location as the 
Short-eared, sounded like it was coming from a woodlot to the north.
We ran into Kim Eckert's group, and they had 2 Gray Jays at different 
locations in Polk Co. They're coming!
California Gull-I noticed a gull that was larger than the surrounding RB 
Gulls, and after it turned its head, I could see its bill which had a red 
gony and a black line on the bill. I immediately called Bob over and 
together we saw all the remaining neccessary field marks. Also present were 
Ring-billed and Herring Gulls which gave us excellent comparisons.
Gray Jay was not relocated in Clay County.

82 species for the weekend. Other birds seen were Snow Buntings in small 
flocks, 1 Common Redpoll in Norman Co. 1 Northern Shrike at Waubun WMA. 
Tundra Swans at a few locations. 1 Rough legged Hawk in Wilkin. Cackling 
Geese in several spots. 12 LB dowitchers at the Moorhead Sewage Ponds. 1 
Pectoral Sandpiper at the Breckenridge Sewage Ponds. Longspurs and Pipits in 
small numbers. Raptors migrating in good numbers, especially in Mahnomen 
county. Thanks to Bob Dunlap for his eagle eyes which made this weekend more 
enjoyable by an exponential amount. Thanks also to Kim and his group who 
gave us tips on birds in the area. All in all a cold but great weekend.

Ben Fritchman

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