[mou] update Duluth, Mt Bluebird

Don Kienholz dkienholz@hotmail.com
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:14:33 -0500

I saw the Mt Bluebird today at the 7th Ave W gate to Bayfront park. 9:00 AM.
The bird flew in from the freeway side, got a drink from the puddle in the 
parking lot by planters, and proceeded to fly back towards the freeway side 
of Railroad Street.
A Merlin appearred out of the sky and the chase was on!
the two kept gaining altitude with the bluebird dodging the Merlling with a 
neat drop and roll to reverse direction move.
after 3 or 4 of these chases the bluebird dove into a blue spruce along the 
road to regroup and catch its breath.
The Merlin flew to the top of the depot bldng to wait.
it was close!  the Merlin was inches from the bluebird several times.

Check the 7th ave west gate areas, and across the road along the paved bike 
path under the freeway and along the tracks.
good luck
Don Kienholz

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