[mou] Re: 10/23 two Surf Scoters, Bald Eagle Lake in Ramsey Co.

Cheryl Steinmueller csteinmuel@prodigy.net
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:22:04 -0700 (PDT)

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Today (Monday, Oct. 23rd) at 12:30 pm, Jane Wicklund, Barb Wojahn, and Cheri Steinmueller discovered two Surf Scoters near the west shore of Bald Eagle Lake in Ramsey County.  Jane had tentatively ID'd one bird at the same spot yesterday at 2:30 pm.  Returned today at 10:30 am - not in view, but fishing boat in area.  Returned again at 12:30 pm and had good looks at possible adult female and one juvenile.  They swam south as a fishing boat trolled into the area. Directions:  go approx. 1/2 mile north of where County Road H2 (County Rd. 5) intersects Bald Eagle Blvd.  Look for large pull-off next to the lake, posted as "No Parking".
  Cheri Steinmueller
  Little Canada, MN

mou-net-request@cbs.umn.edu wrote:
  Send mou-net mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of mou-net digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Northern Shrike-Ramsey County (Earl Orf)
2. Three-toed Woodpeckers (Mike Hendrickson)
3. Crex Meadows, WI report (Sharon Stiteler)
4. north shore weekend birds (tana)
5. CAGU & other NW birds (Benjamin Fritchman)
6. Cook County sightings (Jim Lind)
7. Plegadis Ibis in Pope County (Williams, Bob)
8. Purgatory Creek LBBG and Albinistic Red-Tailed Hawk (Joel Claus)
9. North Shore Birding and others (Clark, Scott)
10. update Duluth, Mt Bluebird (Don Kienholz)
11. Bird scratch observations (Thomas Maiello)


Message: 1
From: "Earl Orf" 
To: "MOU Listserve" , 
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 13:53:15 -0500
Organization: uslink.net
Subject: [mou] Northern Shrike-Ramsey County

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This morning I saw a Northern Shrike in a tree outside our apartment in
Shoreview. As I watched it through the scope, it regurgitated a pellet =
an owl would do. I didn't know they would do that.


Earl Orf

web site www.earlorfphotos.com=20




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font-family:Arial'>This morning I saw a Northern Shrike in a tree =
outside our
apartment in style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
font-family:Arial'>Shoreviewface=3DArial>style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>.  As I watched it =
through the
scope, it regurgitated a pellet like an owl would do.  I =
didn’t know they
would do that.


font-family:Arial'>Earl Orf

font-family:Arial'>web site href=3D"http://www.earlorfphotos.com">www.earlorfphotos.com an>






Message: 2
From: "Mike Hendrickson" 
To: "MOU-Net" 
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:05:47 -0500
Subject: [mou] Three-toed Woodpeckers

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>From the light house in Two Harbors walk along the main trail along Lake =
Superior for at least 150 yards and this is where I discovered a male =
Three-toed Woodpecker. I called Jim Lind who was birding with Denny =
Martin, Barb Martin and Mike Steffes who were out looking for the =
reported Three-toed Woodpecker seen on Saturday. While all of us were =
enjoying the male Three-toed Woodpecker, Jim Lind spotted the female =
Three-toed Woodpecker as it landed on the same tree as the male. The =
trail between the light house and where the trail takes a 90 degree turn =
to the north had at least 6 Black-backed Woodpeckers!! Some of the =
Black-backed woodpeckers you could walk right up to them as the scraped =
the bark off the spruce trees. I took a lot of photos as did Jim Lind =
and Denny Martin. I will be putting my photos on my website this evening =
after the Viking football game. Look for these photos in the "Recently =
Seen" section of my website.

Other birds:
-Western Grebe=20
-Gray Jays
-Red Crossbills
-Northern Shrike

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
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  From the light house in Two =
Harbors walk=20
along the main trail along Lake Superior for at least 150 yards and this =
where I discovered a male Three-toed Woodpecker.  I called Jim Lind =
who was=20
birding with Denny Martin, Barb Martin and Mike Steffes who were out =
looking for=20
the reported Three-toed Woodpecker seen on Saturday. While all of us =
enjoying the male Three-toed Woodpecker, Jim Lind spotted the female =
Woodpecker as it landed on the same tree as the male.  The trail =
the light house and where the trail takes a 90 degree turn to the north =
had at=20
least 6 Black-backed Woodpeckers!! Some of the Black-backed woodpeckers =
could walk right up to them as the scraped the bark off the spruce =
trees. I took=20
a lot of photos as did Jim Lind and Denny Martin. I will be putting my =
photos on=20
my website this evening after the Viking football game. Look for these =
photos in=20
the "Recently Seen" section of my website.


  Other birds:

  -Western Grebe 

  -Gray Jays

  -Red Crossbills

  -Northern Shrike


  Michael =



Message: 3
To: mnbird , MOU-net 
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:18:40 -0500
From: Sharon Stiteler 
Subject: [mou] Crex Meadows, WI report

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This isn't really Minnesota birding, but it's close enough for 
Minnesota birders to visit.

Last night I went with Stan Tekiela on his Crex Meadows evening crane 
viewing field trip. At dusk we watched at least 4 short-eared owls 
flying around and harassing a first year northern harrier--quite a 
fun show. Other species of interest including snow buntings, lapland 
longspurs, rough-legged hawk, merlin, trumpeter swans and sandhill 

Another interesting observation was seeing a red-shouldered hawk 
perched on a highway sign on hwy 35 going north just past North Branch.

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN

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-khtml-line-break: after-white-space; ">This isn't really Minnesota =
birding, but it's close enough for Minnesota birders to visit.  
  Last night I went with Stan =
Tekiela on his Crex Meadows evening crane viewing field trip.=A0 At dusk =
we watched at least 4 short-eared owls flying around and harassing a =
first year northern harrier--quite a fun show.=A0 Other species of =
interest including snow buntings, lapland longspurs, rough-legged hawk, =
merlin, trumpeter swans and sandhill cranes.
  Another interesting =
observation was seeing a red-shouldered hawk perched on a highway sign =
on hwy 35 going north just past North Branch.

  class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"border-collapse: separate; =
border-spacing: 0px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Helvetica; =
font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: =
normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: auto; =
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-apple-text-size-adjust: auto; text-transform: none; orphans: 2; =
white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; ">  Sharon =
  Minneapolis, =






Message: 4
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:56:51 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: tana 
Reply-To: tana 
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Subject: [mou] north shore weekend birds

I took a break from homework and visited the north shore this weekend with my parents. We saw around sixty species, with the following being our better finds -

CACKLING GOOSE - Two Harbors Golf Course
SNOW GOOSE - Two Harbors Golf Course (a few blue morphs present)
ROSS'S GOOSE - 2 at Two Harbors Golf Course
BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER - Two Harbors - Lighthouse Point
GRAY JAY - a few along Highway 61, including one feeding on a roadkilled deer
MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD - refound the individual at Bayfront Park - right along the canal - it was on the cement objects there (don't know exactly what they're called)
AMERICAN PIPIT - many spots
SNOW BUNTING - many spots

SNOW GOOSE - Park Point
SURF SCOTER - Park Point
AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER - 1 male at Brighton Beach - near the outhouse

The crows were migrating in very large numbers. Also saw numerous juvenile bald eagles and found a dead lake sturgeon at Park Point.

Good birding to everyone!

Keith Pulles, Wright County


Message: 5
From: "Benjamin Fritchman" 
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:54:02 -0500
Subject: [mou] CAGU & other NW birds

Bob Dunlap and I spent Saturday and Sunday birding Mahnomen, Norman, Polk, 
Clay, and Wilkin Counties. Our best bird was found this morning around 11, 
which was the California Gull at the Hawley landfill. It was relocated a 
little later by Kim Eckert and his MBW group, but it was on the east side of 
190th st. in a gravel pit when he found it. Bob and I originally had it in 
the dump itself on the west side of the road. Some pictures were taken by 
Bob and I, and notes were taken. Here are some of the better birds from this 
Gray Jay-Norman County-Just north of Syre on Hwy. 32 in a pine and cedar 
grove, across from the cemetery.
Bohemian Waxwing-Mahnomen County-1 bird in the town of Mahnomen across the 
Hwy. from the casino in a crabapple tree.
Surf Scoter-Polk County-Oak Lake near Erskine.
Short-eared Owl-Polk County-4 miles south of the CR 44 and CR 45 junction SE 
of Crookston, then 1/2 mile east.
Great Horned Owl-Polk County-calling at the same location as the 
Short-eared, sounded like it was coming from a woodlot to the north.
We ran into Kim Eckert's group, and they had 2 Gray Jays at different 
locations in Polk Co. They're coming!
California Gull-I noticed a gull that was larger than the surrounding RB 
Gulls, and after it turned its head, I could see its bill which had a red 
gony and a black line on the bill. I immediately called Bob over and 
together we saw all the remaining neccessary field marks. Also present were 
Ring-billed and Herring Gulls which gave us excellent comparisons.
Gray Jay was not relocated in Clay County.

82 species for the weekend. Other birds seen were Snow Buntings in small 
flocks, 1 Common Redpoll in Norman Co. 1 Northern Shrike at Waubun WMA. 
Tundra Swans at a few locations. 1 Rough legged Hawk in Wilkin. Cackling 
Geese in several spots. 12 LB dowitchers at the Moorhead Sewage Ponds. 1 
Pectoral Sandpiper at the Breckenridge Sewage Ponds. Longspurs and Pipits in 
small numbers. Raptors migrating in good numbers, especially in Mahnomen 
county. Thanks to Bob Dunlap for his eagle eyes which made this weekend more 
enjoyable by an exponential amount. Thanks also to Kim and his group who 
gave us tips on birds in the area. All in all a cold but great weekend.

Ben Fritchman

Get today's hot entertainment gossip 


Message: 6
From: "Jim Lind" 
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 20:49:57 -0600
Subject: [mou] Cook County sightings

Ann Russ reported that she found a Townsend Solitaire, Black-backed 
Woodpecker, and Gray Jays at Taconite Harbor today, as well as two 
more Black-backed Woodpeckers at Temperance River State Park.

I also have a belated report from October 15th of a Varied Thrush in 
a flock of American Robins in Grand Marais near 3rd Street and West 
3rd Avenue.

Jim Lind


Message: 7
From: "Williams, Bob" 
To: "MNBird (mnbird@lists.mnbird.net)" ,
"MOU (mou-net@cbs.umn.edu)" 
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 20:52:41 -0500
Subject: [mou] Plegadis Ibis in Pope County

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Late this afternoon I found a Plegadis Ibis on the east side of Lake Johann=
a WPA in SE Pope County(about 3 miles WSW of the town of Brooten which is i=
n SW Stearns County). It was seen on the west side of Co. Rd.=20
37 at 4 tenths of a mile south of Co. Rd. 8. It was at least 200 yards awa=
y so no chance to look for any distinguishing marks facing into strong, col=
d winds.
Bob Williams, Bloomington =20

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  Late this afternoon I foun=
d a Plegadis Ibis on the east side of Lake Johanna WPA in SE Pope=
County(about 3 miles WSW of the town of Brooten which is in SW Stearn=
s County).   It was seen on the west side of Co. Rd. FONT>

  37 at 4 tenths of a mile s=
outh of Co. Rd. 8.  It was at least 200 yards away so no chance to loo=
k for any distinguishing marks facing into strong, cold winds.

  Bob Williams, Bloomington&=



Message: 8
From: "Joel Claus" 
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu, MnBird@linux2.Winona.MSUS.edu
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 21:24:13 -0500
Subject: [mou] Purgatory Creek LBBG and Albinistic Red-Tailed Hawk

About 5:15 PM this evening I observed an Adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL in a 
mixed flock of Herring and Ring-Billed Gulls in the Purgatory Creek wetland 
near the junction of 212 and Hwy 5 in Eden Prairie.

Earlier this afternoon (2 PM) I had a quick look at the albinistic 
Red-Tailed hawk that was reported last week by David Remiger. It was in 
roughly the same location near the junction of Prairie Center drive and 78th 
street. I only saw the back side of the bird as it perched in a tree and 
saw no trace of pigmentation. It was pure snowy white - cool bird!


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 08:28:10 -0500
From: "Clark, Scott" 
Subject: [mou] North Shore Birding and others

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Highlights of the Northshore-LeConte's Sparrow at Flood Bay, a late
juvenile y.b. sapsucker at the Two Harbors lighthouse, a kestrel
"hawking" and terrifying a group of snow buntings at Kittichi Gama Park
( Friday October 20th ) and a late Tennessee Warbler in Duquette (Pine
County) on June 21st. One other note- at Elm Creek Park I saw one week
ago and this week at least 4 purple finches. =20

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font-family:Arial'>Highlights of the Northshore—LeConte’s =
at w:st=3D"on">Flood w:st=3D"on">Bay,  a late juvenile y.b. =
sapsucker at
the Two Harbors lighthouse, a kestrel “hawking” and  =
terrifying a
group of snow buntings at Kittichi Gama Park  ( Friday October =
20th )
and a late Tennessee Warbler in Duquette (Pine County) on June =
One other note- at 
=== message truncated ===

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<div>Today (Monday, Oct. 23rd) at 12:30 pm, Jane Wicklund, Barb Wojahn, and Cheri Steinmueller discovered two Surf Scoters near the west shore of Bald Eagle Lake in Ramsey County.&nbsp; Jane had tentatively ID'd one bird at the same spot yesterday at 2:30 pm.&nbsp; Returned today at 10:30 am - not in view, but fishing boat in area.&nbsp; Returned again at 12:30 pm and had good looks at possible adult female and one juvenile.&nbsp; They swam south as a fishing boat&nbsp;trolled into the area.&nbsp;Directions:&nbsp; go approx. 1/2 mile north of where County Road H2 (County Rd. 5) intersects Bald Eagle Blvd.&nbsp; Look for large pull-off next to the lake, posted as "No Parking".</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Cheri Steinmueller</div>  <div>Little Canada, MN<BR><BR><B><I>mou-net-request@cbs.umn.edu</I></B> wrote:</div>  <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Send mou-net mailing list submissions
 to<BR>mou-net@cbs.umn.edu<BR><BR>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<BR>http://cbs.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mou-net<BR>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to<BR>mou-net-request@cbs.umn.edu<BR><BR>You can reach the person managing the list at<BR>mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu<BR><BR>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<BR>than "Re: Contents of mou-net digest..."<BR><BR><BR>Today's Topics:<BR><BR>1. Northern Shrike-Ramsey County (Earl Orf)<BR>2. Three-toed Woodpeckers (Mike Hendrickson)<BR>3. Crex Meadows, WI report (Sharon Stiteler)<BR>4. north shore weekend birds (tana)<BR>5. CAGU &amp; other NW birds (Benjamin Fritchman)<BR>6. Cook County sightings (Jim Lind)<BR>7. Plegadis Ibis in Pope County (Williams, Bob)<BR>8. Purgatory Creek LBBG and Albinistic Red-Tailed Hawk (Joel Claus)<BR>9. North Shore Birding and others (Clark, Scott)<BR>10. update Duluth, Mt Bluebird (Don Kienholz)<BR>11. Bird scratch
 observations (Thomas Maiello)<BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 1<BR>Reply-To: <EARLORF@USLINK.NET><BR>From: "Earl Orf" <EARLORF@USLINK.NET><BR>To: "MOU Listserve" <MOU-NET@CBS.UMN.EDU>, <MNBIRD@LISTS.MNBIRD.NET><BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 13:53:15 -0500<BR>Organization: uslink.net<BR>Subject: [mou] Northern Shrike-Ramsey County<BR><BR>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.<BR><BR>------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C6F5E1.6E07A7C0<BR>Content-Type: text/plain;<BR>charset="us-ascii"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable<BR><BR>This morning I saw a Northern Shrike in a tree outside our apartment in<BR>Shoreview. As I watched it through the scope, it regurgitated a pellet =<BR>like<BR>an owl would do. I didn't know they would do that.<BR><BR>=20<BR><BR>Earl Orf<BR><BR>web site www.earlorfphotos.com=20<BR><BR>=20<BR><BR>=20<BR><BR>=20<BR><BR><BR>------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C6F5E1.6E07A7C0<BR>Content-Type: text/html;<BR>charset="us-ascii"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding:
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 Shrike in a tree =<BR>outside our<BR>apartment in </SPAN></FONT><FONT face=3DArial size=3><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;<BR>font-family:Arial'&gt;Shoreview</SPAN></FONT><FONT size=3 ="<br">face=3DArial&gt;<SPAN<BR>style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial'&gt;.&nbsp; As I watched it =<BR>through the<BR>scope, it regurgitated a pellet like an owl would do.&nbsp; I =<BR>didn’t know they<BR>would do that.</SPAN></FONT></div><BR><BR>  <div class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;<BR>font-family:Arial'&gt;&nbsp;</SPAN></FONT></div><BR><BR>  <div class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;<BR>font-family:Arial'&gt;Earl Orf</SPAN></FONT></div><BR><BR>  <div class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;<BR>font-family:Arial'&gt;web site <A
 ="<br">href=3D"http://www.earlorfphotos.com"&gt;www.earlorfphotos.com</A>&nbsp;</SP=<BR>an&gt;</FONT></div><BR><BR>  <div class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face='3D"Times' size=3 Roman? New><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:<BR>12.0pt'&gt;&nbsp;</SPAN></FONT></div><BR><BR>  <div class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face='3D"Times' size=3 Roman? New><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:<BR>12.0pt'&gt;&nbsp;</SPAN></FONT></div><BR><BR>  <div class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face='3D"Times' size=3 Roman? New><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:<BR>12.0pt'&gt;&nbsp;</SPAN></FONT></div><BR><BR></DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C6F5E1.6E07A7C0--<BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 2<BR>From: "Mike Hendrickson" <SMITHVILLE4@CHARTER.NET><BR>To: "MOU-Net" <MOU-NET@CBS.UMN.EDU><BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:05:47 -0500<BR>Subject: [mou] Three-toed Woodpeckers<BR><BR>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.<BR><BR>------=_NextPart_000_0031_01C6F5EB.8E47FD00<BR>Content-Type:
 text/plain;<BR>charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable<BR><BR>From the light house in Two Harbors walk along the main trail along Lake =<BR>Superior for at least 150 yards and this is where I discovered a male =<BR>Three-toed Woodpecker. I called Jim Lind who was birding with Denny =<BR>Martin, Barb Martin and Mike Steffes who were out looking for the =<BR>reported Three-toed Woodpecker seen on Saturday. While all of us were =<BR>enjoying the male Three-toed Woodpecker, Jim Lind spotted the female =<BR>Three-toed Woodpecker as it landed on the same tree as the male. The =<BR>trail between the light house and where the trail takes a 90 degree turn =<BR>to the north had at least 6 Black-backed Woodpeckers!! Some of the =<BR>Black-backed woodpeckers you could walk right up to them as the scraped =<BR>the bark off the spruce trees. I took a lot of photos as did Jim Lind =<BR>and Denny Martin. I will be putting my photos on my website this evening
 =<BR>after the Viking football game. Look for these photos in the "Recently =<BR>Seen" section of my website.<BR><BR>Other birds:<BR>-Western Grebe=20<BR>-Gray Jays<BR>-Red Crossbills<BR>-Northern Shrike<BR><BR>Michael Hendrickson<BR>Duluth, Minnesota<BR>http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/<BR>------=_NextPart_000_0031_01C6F5EB.8E47FD00<BR>Content-Type: text/html;<BR>charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable<BR><BR><BR><BR>  <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content='3D"text/html;' ="<br">charset=3Diso-8859-1"&gt;<BR>  <META content='3D"MSHTML' name=3DGENERATOR 6.00.2900.2963?><BR>  <STYLE></STYLE>  <BR><BR><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans>From the light house in Two =<BR>Harbors walk=20<BR>along the main trail along Lake Superior for at least 150 yards and this =<BR>is=20<BR>where I discovered a male Three-toed Woodpecker.&nbsp; I called Jim Lind =<BR>who was=20<BR>birding with Denny Martin, Barb Martin and Mike Steffes who
 were out =<BR>looking for=20<BR>the reported Three-toed Woodpecker seen on Saturday. While all of us =<BR>were=20<BR>enjoying the male Three-toed Woodpecker, Jim Lind spotted the female =<BR>Three-toed=20<BR>Woodpecker as it landed on the same tree as the male.&nbsp; The trail =<BR>between=20<BR>the light house and where the trail takes a 90 degree turn to the north =<BR>had at=20<BR>least 6 Black-backed Woodpeckers!! Some of the Black-backed woodpeckers =<BR>you=20<BR>could walk right up to them as the scraped the bark off the spruce =<BR>trees. I took=20<BR>a lot of photos as did Jim Lind and Denny Martin. I will be putting my =<BR>photos on=20<BR>my website this evening after the Viking football game. Look for these =<BR>photos in=20<BR>the "Recently Seen" section of my website.</FONT></DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans>Other birds:</FONT></DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3
 MS? Sans>-Western Grebe </FONT></DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans>-Gray Jays</FONT></DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans>-Red Crossbills</FONT></DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans>-Northern Shrike</FONT></DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face='3D"Comic' size=3 MS? Sans>Michael =<BR>Hendrickson<BR>Duluth,=20<BR>Minnesota<BR><A=20<BR>href=3D"http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/"&gt;http://webpages.chart=<BR>er.net/mmhendrickson/</A></FONT></DIV><BR><BR>------=_NextPart_000_0031_01C6F5EB.8E47FD00--<BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 3<BR>To: mnbird <MNBIRD@LISTS.MNBIRD.NET>, MOU-net <MOU-NET@CBS.UMN.EDU><BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:18:40 -0500<BR>From: Sharon Stiteler <SHARON@BIRDCHICK.COM><BR>Subject: [mou] Crex Meadows, WI report<BR><BR><BR>--Apple-Mail-7-705010446<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit<BR>Content-Type:
 text/plain;<BR>charset=US-ASCII;<BR>delsp=yes;<BR>format=flowed<BR><BR>This isn't really Minnesota birding, but it's close enough for <BR>Minnesota birders to visit.<BR><BR>Last night I went with Stan Tekiela on his Crex Meadows evening crane <BR>viewing field trip. At dusk we watched at least 4 short-eared owls <BR>flying around and harassing a first year northern harrier--quite a <BR>fun show. Other species of interest including snow buntings, lapland <BR>longspurs, rough-legged hawk, merlin, trumpeter swans and sandhill <BR>cranes.<BR><BR>Another interesting observation was seeing a red-shouldered hawk <BR>perched on a highway sign on hwy 35 going north just past North Branch.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Sharon Stiteler<BR>www.birdchick.com<BR>Minneapolis, MN<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>--Apple-Mail-7-705010446<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable<BR>Content-Type: text/html;<BR>charset=ISO-8859-1<BR><BR>-khtml-line-break: after-white-space; "&gt;This isn't really Minnesota
 =<BR>birding, but it's close enough for Minnesota birders to visit.  <DIV><BR ="<br">class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"&gt;</DIV>  <DIV>Last night I went with Stan =<BR>Tekiela on his Crex Meadows evening crane viewing field trip.=A0 At dusk =<BR>we watched at least 4 short-eared owls flying around and harassing a =<BR>first year northern harrier--quite a fun show.=A0 Other species of =<BR>interest including snow buntings, lapland longspurs, rough-legged hawk, =<BR>merlin, trumpeter swans and sandhill cranes.</DIV>  <DIV><BR ="<br">class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"&gt;</DIV>  <DIV>Another interesting =<BR>observation was seeing a red-shouldered hawk perched on a highway sign =<BR>on hwy 35 going north just past North Branch.</DIV>  <DIV><BR ="<br">class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"&gt;</DIV><BR><BR>  <DIV><SPAN ="<br">class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"border-collapse: separate; =<BR>border-spacing: 0px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Helvetica; =<BR>font-size: 12px;
 font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: =<BR>normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: auto; =<BR>-khtml-text-decorations-in-effect: none; text-indent: 0px; =<BR>-apple-text-size-adjust: auto; text-transform: none; orphans: 2; =<BR>white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; "&gt;  <DIV>Sharon =<BR>Stiteler</DIV>  <DIV>www.birdchick.com</DIV>  <DIV>Minneapolis, =<BR>MN</DIV>  <DIV><BR class='3D"khtml-block-placeholder"'></DIV>  <DIV><BR ="<br">class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"&gt;</DIV><BR ="<br">class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"&gt;</SPAN> </DIV><BR>=<BR><BR>--Apple-Mail-7-705010446--<BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 4<BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:56:51 -0500 (GMT-05:00)<BR>From: tana <TPULLES@EARTHLINK.NET><BR>Reply-To: tana <TPULLES@EARTHLINK.NET><BR>To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu<BR>Subject: [mou] north shore weekend birds<BR><BR>I took a break from homework and visited the north shore this weekend with my parents. We saw
 around sixty species, with the following being our better finds -<BR><BR>10/21<BR>RED-NECKED GREBE - Five Mile Rock<BR>CACKLING GOOSE - Two Harbors Golf Course<BR>SNOW GOOSE - Two Harbors Golf Course (a few blue morphs present)<BR>ROSS'S GOOSE - 2 at Two Harbors Golf Course<BR>BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER - Two Harbors - Lighthouse Point<BR>GRAY JAY - a few along Highway 61, including one feeding on a roadkilled deer<BR>MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD - refound the individual at Bayfront Park - right along the canal - it was on the cement objects there (don't know exactly what they're called)<BR>AMERICAN PIPIT - many spots<BR>LAPLAND LONGSPUR - many spots<BR>SNOW BUNTING - many spots<BR><BR>10/22<BR>SNOW GOOSE - Park Point<BR>SURF SCOTER - Park Point<BR>WHITE-WINGED SCOTER - Park Point<BR>AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER - 1 male at Brighton Beach - near the outhouse<BR><BR>The crows were migrating in very large numbers. Also saw numerous juvenile bald eagles and found a dead lake sturgeon at
 Park Point.<BR><BR>Good birding to everyone!<BR><BR>Keith Pulles, Wright County<BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 5<BR>From: "Benjamin Fritchman" <FIELDFARE21@HOTMAIL.COM><BR>To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu<BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:54:02 -0500<BR>Subject: [mou] CAGU &amp; other NW birds<BR><BR>Bob Dunlap and I spent Saturday and Sunday birding Mahnomen, Norman, Polk, <BR>Clay, and Wilkin Counties. Our best bird was found this morning around 11, <BR>which was the California Gull at the Hawley landfill. It was relocated a <BR>little later by Kim Eckert and his MBW group, but it was on the east side of <BR>190th st. in a gravel pit when he found it. Bob and I originally had it in <BR>the dump itself on the west side of the road. Some pictures were taken by <BR>Bob and I, and notes were taken. Here are some of the better birds from this <BR>weekend:<BR>Saturday:<BR>Gray Jay-Norman County-Just north of Syre on Hwy. 32 in a pine and cedar <BR>grove, across from the
 cemetery.<BR>Bohemian Waxwing-Mahnomen County-1 bird in the town of Mahnomen across the <BR>Hwy. from the casino in a crabapple tree.<BR>Surf Scoter-Polk County-Oak Lake near Erskine.<BR>Short-eared Owl-Polk County-4 miles south of the CR 44 and CR 45 junction SE <BR>of Crookston, then 1/2 mile east.<BR>Great Horned Owl-Polk County-calling at the same location as the <BR>Short-eared, sounded like it was coming from a woodlot to the north.<BR>We ran into Kim Eckert's group, and they had 2 Gray Jays at different <BR>locations in Polk Co. They're coming!<BR>Sunday:<BR>California Gull-I noticed a gull that was larger than the surrounding RB <BR>Gulls, and after it turned its head, I could see its bill which had a red <BR>gony and a black line on the bill. I immediately called Bob over and <BR>together we saw all the remaining neccessary field marks. Also present were <BR>Ring-billed and Herring Gulls which gave us excellent comparisons.<BR>Gray Jay was not relocated in Clay
 County.<BR><BR><BR><BR>82 species for the weekend. Other birds seen were Snow Buntings in small <BR>flocks, 1 Common Redpoll in Norman Co. 1 Northern Shrike at Waubun WMA. <BR>Tundra Swans at a few locations. 1 Rough legged Hawk in Wilkin. Cackling <BR>Geese in several spots. 12 LB dowitchers at the Moorhead Sewage Ponds. 1 <BR>Pectoral Sandpiper at the Breckenridge Sewage Ponds. Longspurs and Pipits in <BR>small numbers. Raptors migrating in good numbers, especially in Mahnomen <BR>county. Thanks to Bob Dunlap for his eagle eyes which made this weekend more <BR>enjoyable by an exponential amount. Thanks also to Kim and his group who <BR>gave us tips on birds in the area. All in all a cold but great weekend.<BR><BR>Ben Fritchman<BR><BR>_________________________________________________________________<BR>Get today's hot entertainment gossip <BR>http://movies.msn.com/movies/hotgossip?icid=T002MSN03A07001<BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 6<BR>From: "Jim Lind"
 <JSLIND@FRONTIERNET.NET><BR>To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu<BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 20:49:57 -0600<BR>Subject: [mou] Cook County sightings<BR><BR>Ann Russ reported that she found a Townsend Solitaire, Black-backed <BR>Woodpecker, and Gray Jays at Taconite Harbor today, as well as two <BR>more Black-backed Woodpeckers at Temperance River State Park.<BR><BR>I also have a belated report from October 15th of a Varied Thrush in <BR>a flock of American Robins in Grand Marais near 3rd Street and West <BR>3rd Avenue.<BR><BR>Jim Lind<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 7<BR>From: "Williams, Bob" <BXWILLIAMS@CBBURNET.COM><BR>To: "MNBird (mnbird@lists.mnbird.net)" <MNBIRD@LISTS.MNBIRD.NET>,<BR>"MOU (mou-net@cbs.umn.edu)" <MOU-NET@CBS.UMN.EDU><BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 20:52:41 -0500<BR>Subject: [mou] Plegadis Ibis in Pope County<BR><BR>--_C915C21E-70CC-4915-89EE-194BE5322029_<BR>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding:
 quoted-printable<BR><BR>Late this afternoon I found a Plegadis Ibis on the east side of Lake Johann=<BR>a WPA in SE Pope County(about 3 miles WSW of the town of Brooten which is i=<BR>n SW Stearns County). It was seen on the west side of Co. Rd.=20<BR>37 at 4 tenths of a mile south of Co. Rd. 8. It was at least 200 yards awa=<BR>y so no chance to look for any distinguishing marks facing into strong, col=<BR>d winds.<BR>Bob Williams, Bloomington =20<BR><BR>--_C915C21E-70CC-4915-89EE-194BE5322029_<BR>Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable<BR><BR><BR><BR>  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=#3d0000 size=3>Late this afternoon I foun=<BR>d a Plegadis Ibis&nbsp;on the east side of&nbsp;Lake Johanna WPA in SE Pope=<BR>County(about 3 miles&nbsp;WSW of the town of Brooten which is in SW Stearn=<BR>s County).&nbsp;&nbsp; It was seen on the west&nbsp;side of&nbsp;Co. Rd. </=<BR>FONT&gt;</DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=#3d0000
 size=3>37 at 4 tenths of a mile s=<BR>outh of Co. Rd. 8.&nbsp; It was at least 200 yards away so no chance to loo=<BR>k for any distinguishing marks facing into strong, cold winds.</FONT></DIV><BR>  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=#3d0000 size=3>Bob Williams, Bloomington&amp;=<BR>nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT></DIV><BR><BR>--_C915C21E-70CC-4915-89EE-194BE5322029_--<BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 8<BR>From: "Joel Claus" <JCLAUS13@MSN.COM><BR>To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu, MnBird@linux2.Winona.MSUS.edu<BR>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 21:24:13 -0500<BR>Subject: [mou] Purgatory Creek LBBG and Albinistic Red-Tailed Hawk<BR><BR>About 5:15 PM this evening I observed an Adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL in a <BR>mixed flock of Herring and Ring-Billed Gulls in the Purgatory Creek wetland <BR>near the junction of 212 and Hwy 5 in Eden Prairie.<BR><BR>Earlier this afternoon (2 PM) I had a quick look at the albinistic <BR>Red-Tailed hawk that was reported last week by David Remiger. It was in
 <BR>roughly the same location near the junction of Prairie Center drive and 78th <BR>street. I only saw the back side of the bird as it perched in a tree and <BR>saw no trace of pigmentation. It was pure snowy white - cool bird!<BR><BR><BR><BR>--__--__--<BR><BR>Message: 9<BR>Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 08:28:10 -0500<BR>From: "Clark, Scott" <SCLARK@CI.ELK-RIVER.MN.US><BR>To: <MOU-NET@CBS.UMN.EDU><BR>Subject: [mou] North Shore Birding and others<BR><BR>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.<BR><BR>------_=_NextPart_001_01C6F6A7.21DAB508<BR>Content-Type: text/plain;<BR>charset="us-ascii"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable<BR><BR>Highlights of the Northshore-LeConte's Sparrow at Flood Bay, a late<BR>juvenile y.b. sapsucker at the Two Harbors lighthouse, a kestrel<BR>"hawking" and terrifying a group of snow buntings at Kittichi Gama Park<BR>( Friday October 20th ) and a late Tennessee Warbler in Duquette (Pine<BR>County) on June 21st. One other note- at Elm Creek
 Park I saw one week<BR>ago and this week at least 4 purple finches. =20<BR><BR><BR>------_=_NextPart_001_01C6F6A7.21DAB508<BR>Content-Type: text/html;<BR>charset="us-ascii"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable<BR><BR>xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =<BR>xmlns:st1=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" =<BR>xmlns=3D"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"&gt;<BR><BR><BR>  <META http-equiv='3D"Content-Type"' content='3D"text/html;' ="<br">charset=3Dus-ascii"&gt;<BR>  <META content='3D"Microsoft' name=3DGenerator Word medium)? (filtered 11><BR><o:SmartTagType ="<br">namespaceuri=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"<BR>name=3D"PlaceType"/&gt;<BR><o:SmartTagType ="<br">namespaceuri=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"<BR>name=3D"PlaceName"/&gt;<BR><o:SmartTagType ="<br">namespaceuri=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"<BR>name=3D"place"/&gt;<BR><BR>  <STYLE><br>st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }<br></STYLE> 
 <BR><BR>  <STYLE><br><!--<br> /* Style Definitions */<br> p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal<br> {margin:0in;<br> margin-bottom:.0001pt;<br> font-size:12.0pt;<br> font-family:"Times New Roman";}<br>a:link, span.MsoHyperlink<br> {color:blue;<br> text-decoration:underline;}<br>a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed<br> {color:purple;<br> text-decoration:underline;}<br>span.EmailStyle17<br> {mso-style-type:personal-compose;<br> font-family:Arial;<br> color:windowtext;}<br>@page Section1<br> {size:8.5in 11.0in;<br> margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;}<br>div.Section1<br> {page:Section1;}<br>--><br></STYLE>  <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>  <DIV class=3DSection1><BR><BR>  <div class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3><SPAN ="<br">style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;<BR>font-family:Arial'&gt;Highlights of the Northshore—LeConte’s =<BR>Sparrow<BR>at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:place w:st='3D"on"'><st1:PlaceName ="<br">w:st=3D"on"&gt;Flood</st1:PlaceName>
 <st1:PlaceType<br>w:st=3D"on"&gt;Bay</st1:PlaceType<br></st1:place>,&nbsp; a late juvenile y.b. =<BR>sapsucker at<BR>the Two Harbors lighthouse, a kestrel “hawking” and&nbsp; =<BR>terrifying a<BR>group of snow buntings at Kittichi Gama Park&nbsp; ( Friday October =<BR>20<SUP>th</SUP> )<BR>and a late Tennessee Warbler in Duquette (Pine County) on June =<BR>21<SUP>st</SUP>.&nbsp;<BR>One other note- at <st1:place w:st='3D"on"'><st1:PlaceName ="<br"><BR>=== message truncated ===</div></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE><BR></st1:PlaceName></st1:place></SPAN></FONT></o:SmartTagType></o:SmartTagType></o:SmartTagType></FONT></SPAN>