[mou] Probable Mute Swan, Centerville Lake, Anoka Cty

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 19:45:03 -0500

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Yesterday (Monday) afternoon, Bill Bronn and I went looking for scoters =
on Centerville Lake.  We found none.  A probable Mute Swan was in the =
center of the Lake.  It was perhaps 300-400 yards away, and the light =
was not good, but the beak appeared to be mostly dull orangish with a =
black button and black edge near the face (no knob).  The bird was all =
white except a bit darker on top of the head.  Its posture and movements =
said "Mute" to me--neck often curved, and bill mostly pointed downward, =
approaching vertical.

St. Paul
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<DIV>Yesterday (Monday) afternoon, Bill Bronn and I went looking for =
scoters on=20
Centerville Lake.&nbsp; We found none.&nbsp; A probable Mute Swan was in =
center of the Lake.&nbsp; It was perhaps 300-400 yards away, and the =
light was=20
not good, but the beak appeared to be mostly dull orangish with a black =
and black edge near the face (no knob).&nbsp; The bird was all white =
except a=20
bit darker on top of the head.&nbsp; Its posture and movements said =
"Mute" to=20
me--neck often curved, and bill mostly pointed downward, approaching=20
<DIV>St. Paul</DIV></BODY></HTML>
