[mou] Tentative report at Lake Byllesby

Leo leodwm@comcast.net
Sat, 28 Oct 2006 17:51:19 -0500

Hello everyone. My dad went out alone to Lake Byllesby on this overcast 
day and asked if I would post his findings. The main thing was he is 
/pretty /sure he spotted 3 American Golden Plovers, but it was hard to 
tell. It would be great if anyone nearby could try to verify it. It was 
on the fact that they were about twice the size of the Least Sandpipers 
and had the plover-bill. (Short and stout) So, he's not 100% sure, but 
it's probable. He also spotted about 8 Dowitchers. (Tentatively leaning 
to short-billed, though it was hard to tell.)

- Leo WM