[mou] BIRDS 10/28

Mike Butterfield mike_kb0to@yahoo.com
Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:36:51 -0800 (PST)

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  Went to 2 HARBORS and DULUTH 
  in 2 Harbors
  1 3 Toed WP
  1 Blackbacked WP
  at Stony Point Road 
  about 60+ Lapland Longspurs overhead
  1 Cardinal by the spot next to the lake.
  1 MERLIN in DECC parking lot by wood playground - with a lunch of Lapland Longspur 
  where there was about a 100+ in the gravel in same area by 7th ave.
  1 SHORT EARED OWL in the small pine trees directly in front of band shelter at Bayfront-just about plowed into me when I went up to the trees to inspect - It flew above me for a minute or so and then flew over the DECC bldg. 
  30+ Golden eyes in the bay opposite the ball field 
  Good birding
  Mike Butterfield  LM  NYA MN

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<div>Greetings,</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Went to 2 HARBORS and DULUTH </div>  <div>Saw</div>  <div>in 2 Harbors</div>  <div>1 3 Toed WP</div>  <div>1 Blackbacked WP</div>  <div>at Stony Point Road </div>  <div>about 60+ Lapland Longspurs overhead</div>  <div>1 Cardinal by the spot next to the lake.</div>  <div>In DULUTH</div>  <div>1 MERLIN in DECC parking lot by wood playground - with a lunch of Lapland Longspur </div>  <div>where there was about a 100+ in the gravel in same area by 7th ave.</div>  <div>1 SHORT EARED OWL in the small pine trees directly in front of band shelter at Bayfront-just about plowed into me when I went up to the trees to inspect - It flew above me for a minute or so and then flew over the DECC bldg. </div>  <div>30+ Golden eyes in the bay opposite the ball field </div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Good birding</div>  <div>Mike Butterfield&nbsp; LM&nbsp; NYA MN</div><p>&#32;

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