[mou] 25 Warblers, Mille Lacs County

Nathan Schirmacher natester166@hotmail.com
Fri, 01 Sep 2006 13:02:15 -0500

25 warblers, Mille Lacs County (Hennepin, lakefront, Kathio):

* Golden-winged (5+)
* Tennessee (numerous)
* Orange-crowned (single)
* Nashville
* Northern Parula (single)
* Yellow
* Chestnut-sided
* Magnolia (10+)
* Cape May (2)
* Yellow-rumped (numerous)
* Black-throated Green (4, Hennepin)
* Blackburnian
* Pine (5+)
* Palm
* Bay-breasted
* Blackpoll (one obvious, other "Baypolls")
* Black & White (30+)
* American Redstart (many different plumages)
* Ovenbird (only 2)
* Northern Waterthrush (heard only)
* Connecticut (single)
* Mourning (2)
* Common Yellowthroat (sort of, well, common)
* Wilson's
* Canada (4+)

Other birds of interest include Philadelphia Vireo, Swainson's Thrush and a 
Broad-winged Hawk.

Good birding to all!

Nathan & Al Schirmacher

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