[mou] Three-Toed Woodpecker, etc

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Mon, 4 Sep 2006 19:53:34 -0500

On Friday 9/1/06 we had very good success on Cty Rd 13, north of Big Falls
in Koochiching County.  Between the rain showers the warblers were
outstanding in many places along the road.  Also present were the following
birds and their locations.

Boreal Chickadee:  7.9 miles north of State Hwy 71 (this is 2 miles south of
UT291, the road at the jog in 13), at least 6 birds were present in this

Boreal Chickadee:  11.5 miles north of Hwy 71 (or 1.1 miles north of the
eastern hook of UT291, 2 birds here

Three-toed Woodpecker and Black-backed Woodpecker: together in the same cut
over area although not close to each other, 9.6 miles north of Hwy 71 (or .4
south of UT291), both males

The same cutover area also had a Pileated in the same time frame.  As Friday
was a wet showry day we feel we got pretty lucky.  Other birders who came by
these locations later in the afternoon had little success because of rain
while they were there.  We hit the area between the showers by chance.

Sorry for not posting till now but we just got home.

Dennis and Barbara Martin