[mou] (no subject)

JSWhitney jswhitney@comcast.net
Sat, 2 Sep 2006 13:34:07 -0500

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Aug. 30
Spotted a Phalarope on Big Marine Lake in Washington County. Not sure =
which one it was because it flew away before I could note detailed =
markings. We were in a boat and didn't have binoculars! It was east of =
the park reserve in the south end of the lake.=20
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Eras Light ITC" color=3D#000080 size=3D2>Aug. =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Eras Light ITC" color=3D#000080 size=3D2>Spotted a =
Phalarope on Big=20
Marine Lake in Washington County. Not sure which one it was because it =
flew away=20
before I could note detailed markings. We were in a boat and didn't have =

binoculars!&nbsp;It was east of the park reserve in the south end of the =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Eras Light ITC" color=3D#000080 size=3D2>Stephanie=20
