[mou] Caspian terns, Frontenac

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:56:18 -0500

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After an absence of a couple of decades I decided to walk out to Fronte=
Point, perhaps now one of the most overlooked sites in the state and mu=
beloved by old-time birders back in the 1950's and 1960's.  The cottonw=
seemed much larger than I had remembered and the trail in better shape.=

With water levels low the Frontenac Point projects well into Lake Pepin=
a small secondary point has developed to the north of the main point th=
also held some birds.  On a cool, drizzly Sunday there were no other hi=
besides Pete the dog and Linda the girlfriend.  Although no rarities we=
seen there were 7 Caspian Terns at the point including two first-year
birds, 2 Herring Gulls, 50+ pelicans, cormorants, geese, osprey, TVs,
eagles, and a steady stream of swallows moving southward at about 20 a
minute, mostly barns and trees with a few bank.  Plan on spending a min=
of two hours if you want to walk to the tip and bird along the way.  Bo=

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<p>After an absence of a couple of decades I decided to walk out to Fro=
ntenac Point, perhaps now one of the most overlooked sites in the state=
 and much beloved by old-time birders back in the 1950's and 1960's.  T=
he cottonwoods seemed much larger than I had remembered and the trail i=
n better shape.  With water levels low the Frontenac Point projects wel=
l into Lake Pepin and a small secondary point has developed to the nort=
h of the main point that also held some birds.  On a cool, drizzly Sund=
ay there were no other hikers besides Pete the dog and Linda the girlfr=
iend.  Although no rarities were seen there were 7 Caspian Terns at the=
 point including two first-year birds, 2 Herring Gulls, 50+ pelicans, c=
ormorants, geese, osprey, TVs, eagles, and a steady stream of swallows =
moving southward at about 20 a minute, mostly barns and trees with a fe=
w bank.  Plan on spending a minimum of two hours if you want to walk to=
 the tip and bird along the way.  Bob Russell</body></html>=
