[mou] Mankato raptor movement 9/12

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Wed, 13 Sep 2006 13:18:36 -0700 (PDT)

Hey birders,

Yesterday was a fun day to watch the skies from atop
the river bluffs.  Good numbers of raptors were moving
with 126 individuals recorded.  Here's the species

Osprey 2
Turkey Vulture 11
American Kestrel 5
Merlin 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk 24
Cooper's Hawk 7
Broad-winged Hawk 64
Red-tailed Hawk 6
Assorted unidentified birds 6

Also saw flocks of pelicans, swallows, and swifts and
a couple remnant Common Nighthawks.

On a related note...where are the Painted Lady
butterflies?  No fall sightings yet and there are
reduced sightings of Monarchs and dragonflies this
year as well.

Happy birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN

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