[mou] Buf-fBreasted Sandpipers Duluth

Don Kienholz dkienholz@hotmail.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:10:18 -0500

This Thursday 9/14 morning about 8 AM there were 3 Buff-Breasted Sandpipers 
in the lawn area in the bowl of Bayfront park, Duluth MN.
There have been many Canada Geese grazing here too.
the trees in the park are maturing and have been holding some migrants this 
Fall too.
Bayfront Park may be a good place to check for birds on the bay and in the 
parks trees and gardens in the future.
This large park is located just West of the DECC/aquarium complex and has 
free parking.
Don Kienholz

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