[mou] Houston Co. Sept 14: The usual species.

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2006 18:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

Am. White Pelican---------200+. View from Hwy 26 deck.
                                Most in Wisconsin.
Osprey----------------------1   From Dike 7
Cooper's Hawk---------------1   Hillside Rd.
Yell. billed Cuckoo---------4   There is a heavy  
                                of either/both tent
                                worms & webworms.
Ruby-thrtd Hbirds-----------4   Reno feeder. Look for 
                                fire #16935. 
                                Sign: "One old coot & 
                                one cute chick." 
E. Wood Pewee---------------3   Hillside Rd.
Least Flycatcher(?)---------1       "
Yell. thrtd. Vireo----------1       "
Blue-headed V.--------------1       "
Red-eyed V.-----------------2       "
Am. Crow------------------150       "
Tree Swallow                        "
Barn Swallow                        "
Nashville Wa.                       "
Magnolia                            "
Yell.rumped                         "
Black-thrtd. Green                  "
Palm                                "
Am. Redstart                        "
Com. Yellowthroat                   "
Scarlet Tanager                     "
E. Towhee                           "  
Rose-brstd. Grosbeak                "

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, wis.

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