[mou] sharpies and merlins

teamvagrant@aol.com teamvagrant@aol.com
Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:31:02 -0400

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 If anyone is interested in watching sharp- and merlins terrorizing blue-, feel free to head to my house. They will be there all day, just as they were this weekend.  I think it would be a great chance for some photos since they sit right there.  Merlins after the sharp-shins is quite a site.
Chris Elmgren
6177 church road
duluth, mn
p.s.   Bring some Xanax for the blue-!
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<div>&nbsp;If anyone is interested in watching sharp-<SPAN id=sp-8 title="Click here to replace with: &#10;shin, ships, shines, shiny, shine, shims, spins" style="BACKGROUND: url(http://d04.webmail.aol.com/19939/aol/en-us/images/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000"></SPAN> and <SPAN class=correction id="">merlins</SPAN> terrorizing blue-<SPAN id=sp-2 title="Click here to replace with: &#10;jay, lays, hays, days, rays, ways, Mays" style="BACKGROUND: url(http://d04.webmail.aol.com/19939/aol/en-us/images/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000"></SPAN>, feel free to head to my house. They will be there all day, just as they were this weekend.&nbsp; I think it would be a great chance for some photos since they sit right there.&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class=correction id="">Merlins</SPAN> after the <SPAN class=correction id="">sharp-shins</SPAN> is quite a site.</div>


<div>Chris <SPAN class=correction id="">Elmgren</SPAN></div>

<div>6177 church road</div>

<div><SPAN class=correction id="">duluth</SPAN>, <SPAN class=correction id="">mn</SPAN></div>



<div>p.s.&nbsp;&nbsp; Bring some Xanax for the blue-<SPAN id=sp-3 title="Click here to replace with: &#10;jay, lays, hays, days, rays, ways, Mays" style="BACKGROUND: url(http://d04.webmail.aol.com/19939/aol/en-us/images/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000"></SPAN>!</div>

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