[mou] Little & Sabine's gulls and jaeger update

Kim R Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Fri, 22 Sep 2006 14:08:07 -0500

During about a half-hour period today, 1 (possibly 2) juv Little Gull, 
4 Sabine's Gulls, and several (minimum 6) jaegers were seen out over L 
Superior from the 12th Street access at Park Point. The Little Gull 
flew N towards Canal Park shortly after I arrived at 11:45, and there 
was another Little Gull sighting around noon. (This was also a 
northbound juvenile and may have been the same individual which had 
circled back.)

Mike Hendrickson joined me a few minutes later, and around 12:15 there 
were 4 Sabine's Gulls (probably all juv) flying S together not far out 
from the beach. I left the site around 12:45, and during that hour 
there were several jaeger sightings: at least 2 of these were adult 
light-morph Parasitics, and at least 4 other individuals were too far 
out to ID. Mike was still there after I left, so it is likely he will 
have another update later this afternoon.

Because of today's rain and strong off-lake winds, the 12th Street 
access on Park Point is a favorable site because it is the only spot on 
the Point where the lake is visible from inside your car, and you can 
scan it without getting wet or wind-blown. Another option is the Marine 
Museum (free) in Canal Park, which has large windows on the second 
floor: here you are inside, out of the wind and rain, and a spotting 
scope can also be set up.

Kim Eckert