[mou] Afternoon explosion, Duluth

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Sun, 24 Sep 2006 08:00:02 -0500

Nathan & I birded the Duluth & Wisconsin Point areas yesterday.

Mike Hendrickson did an excellent job leading us/coping with the loss of the 
boat trip (those six foot swells would have been more excitement than I was 
looking for!).  Jaeger after jaeger passed by, by late afternoon we had 
witnessed at least 18 appearances (some could have been multiple, although 
all were right to left across the horizon at 12th Street and Park Point).

We visited 12th Street (three times), Park Point (twice), the trail behind 
the airport, Bayfront Park, Canal Park and Wisconsin Point.  Most areas were 
quiet (bird wise), but Park Point at 4:00 exploded for about ten minutes:

Nathan and I watched a languid, large, barred tail Jaeger that could best be 
described as Fat Albert strolling, singing "Feeling Groovy" - we concluded 
it was the Pomarine - when we observed a Sabine's Gull - which immediately 
led to a Little Gull sighting.  Three life birds in five minutes - thought 
those days were long past in the upper Midwest.

Eight year birds, four state, three life - we were happy to embrace 20+ mile 
an hour winds and horizontal rain.  My hat is off to you Duluthians - the 
weather seemed to affect noone along the beaches or restaurants.

We retired to "Touch of Saigon", enjoying both the food and the day.  Back 
to normal life this morning!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties