[mou] Golden-eye crosses?
Jeff and Amy Drake
Thu Apr 12 21:28:08 EDT 2007
Ottertail County
Cty. Rd. 72 on S. end of Otter Tail Lake
I watched a large flock of Common Golden-eyes displaying this afternoon.
There was one male (possibly 2) who had the markings of a Common, but his
head was quite definitely not green but blue or bluish purple. Is that
enough to suggest he is a cross between the 2 types? Also, how much yellow
on the female's bill suggests Common vs. Barrow's? There were several with
mostly yellow bills but the majority had just the tips yellow. (Obviously,
I REALLY want to be able to count a new life bird.)
Also, farther north of Otter Tail Lake on Cty. 1 about 2 miles from the Cty
14 intersection is a flock of 8 trumpeter swans. If you turn north on 14
and go 2 1/2 mi. to Cty 32 and turn left you can find a Great Horned Owl on
the nest (left side of the road ~1/2 mi.). Farther along 32 Great Blue
Herons are taking up residence in a small rookery (before the large hill,
maybe 3 mi. from the GHO?).
Amy Drake
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