[mou] Texas MBW & 2008 schedule

Eckert K R eckertkr at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 15:10:18 CST 2007

The annual Minnesota Birding Weekends trip to South Texas (our 22nd) 
will take place February 2-10, 2008, and after a recent cancellation 
there is now one vacancy. If you think you'd be interested in birding 
for a week in February where the temperatures will be in the 70s rather 
than the 20s, additional information about the trip can be found on the 
MOU website (http://moumn.org/trips.html), or feel free to contact me 
at eckertkr at gmail.com for the details about the cost, itinerary, 
expected species, etc.

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Now that the January-February issue of the MOU newsletter with the 
2008-09 Minnesota Birding Weekends schedule has been mailed, I am now 
accepting registrations for next season's MBWs, and the schedule of 
trips for our 23rd year appears below. You'll find additional MBW 
information (including the registration procedure and a form) on the 
MOU website (http://moumn.org/trips.html), on Bob Ekblad's website 
(http://www.birding-minnesota.com/MN-MBW.htm), and in the current issue 
of the MOU's newsletter, Minnesota Birding.

Note that some MBWs fill up several weeks or even months in advance, so 
please don't hesitate to register if there's a trip you're particularly 
interested in.

Also a reminder that, as of 2007, Minnesota Birding Weekends are part 
of the MOU field trips schedule, and the MOU has other field trips 
coordinated by Field Trips Chairman Bob Williams 
(bxwilliams at cbburnet.com). The schedule of these trips appears along 
with MBWs on the MOU website (http://moumn.org/trips.html).

Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions.

Kim Eckert
1921 W Kent Rd
Duluth MN 55812
(218) 525-6930
eckertkr at gmail.com
• March 29-30 / Nobles and Jackson Counties / $35
For those anxious for the arrival of spring, there is no better place 
than the southwestern corner of the state. We could see thousands of 
waterfowl, with probably Ross's and white-fronted geese among them; 
hawks, sparrows, longspurs, and blackbirds should also be on their way 
north; and we’ll hope for a stray Prairie Falcon, a juniper-roosting 
Long-eared or N. Saw-whet owl, and Mountain Bluebirds. (Base 

• April 26-27 / Polk County / $40
• pre-Weekend option / April 25 / Norman County (additional grasslands 
and wetlands; Base Ada) / $30 *
The grassland tracts near Crookston are perhaps the best places in the 
state to see both Sharp-tailed Grouse and Greater Prairie-Chickens 
displaying, often side-by-side. Other birds to see in this area's many 
wetlands, fields, and aspens include lots of waterfowl, Sandhill 
Cranes, and Black-billed Magpies. There is always a chance of a rarity 
or two, like a California Gull, Short-eared Owl, or Smith's Longspur. 
(Base Crookston)

• May 3-4 / Stearns, Douglas, and Grant Counties / $40
• pre-Weekend option / May 2 / Sherburne County (Sherburne NWR and 
vicinity; Base Elk River) / $30 *
These counties are best known for their many herons and egrets at the 
Pelican Lake rookery, and for the Red-necked and Western (and Clark's?) 
grebe colonies at Lake Osakis. We will look for rarer waders like Snowy 
and Cattle egrets and Little Blue Heron, and for shorebirds at this 
area's many sewage ponds. These counties’ woodlands should also have 
some early warblers and other spring migrants. (Base Sauk Centre)

• May 24-25-26 / Southeastern Minnesota / $70
The specialties of this corner of the state have long been attractive 
to birders: e.g., Common Moorhen, Acadian Flycatcher, Tufted Titmouse, 
Bell's Vireo, Blue-winged, Prothonotary and Cerulean warblers, 
Louisiana Waterthrush, and Henslow's Sparrow. We will also look for 
Least Bittern, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Willow Flycatcher, Orchard Oriole 
(and, of course, strays from the Southeast U.S.) at places like Beaver 
Creek Valley, Reno, La Crescent, Whitewater WMA, and Weaver Dunes SNA. 
(Base La Crosse, WI)

• May 31-June 1 / Aitkin County and Yellow Rails / $30
The Yellow Rail is easily heard and (with flashlight, boots, and 
patience!) even possible to see in the famed McGregor Marsh. Also 
possible on this Saturday evening - Sunday noon Weekend are 
Sharp-tailed Grouse, Great Gray Owl, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Boreal 
Chickadee, possibly 20 warbler species (especially Golden-winged, Cape 
May, and Connecticut), and Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow. (Base 

• June 14-15 / Pine County / $45 (Leader Craig Mandel)
• pre-Weekend option / June 13 / Chisago County (St. Croix River 
woodlands; Base North Branch) / $30 *
Our first Weekend ever in the county where South meets North. Along the 
St. Croix River, southern birds like cuckoos, Willow Flycatcher, 
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Eastern Towhee can 
all occur; while up in the Nemadji State Forest, there are Sharp-tailed 
Grouse, Black-backed Woodpecker, Alder Flycatcher, Gray Jay, Canada and 
many other warblers, and Le Conte’s Sparrow. (Base Hinckley)

• June 28-29 / Koochiching County / $45 (Leader Craig Mandel)
• pre-Weekend option / June 27 / Itasca County (additional boreal 
forests; Base Grand Rapids) / $30 *
Probably no other county in the state has as much potential and mystery 
as this one. This Weekend will be only our third ever in these numerous 
bogs and vast coniferous forests, where some possibilities are Spruce 
Grouse, Black-backed (and Am. Three-toed?) Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied 
and other flycatchers, Boreal Chickadee, as many as 23 nesting warblers 
(including Connecticut), and crossbills. (Base Northome)

• August 9-10 / Stevens, Traverse, and Big Stone Counties / $40
• pre-Weekend option / August 8 / Pope County (woodlands, additional 
wetlands; Base Glenwood) / $30 *
Traverse County has both excellent wetlands (especially Mud Lake) and 
remnant prairie grasslands, with Clark's Grebe, White-faced Ibis, and 
Henslow’s and Le Conte’s sparrows all occurring in recent summers. 
There are also good wetlands (and sewage ponds) in Big Stone County, 
and this is the peak time and best part of the state for seeing 
shorebirds and studying their ID. (Base Morris)

• August 30-31-September 1 / Northwestern Minnesota / $65
Our sixth Labor Day Weekend in this corner of the state will include 
Agassiz NWR, Thief Lake and other remote WMAs, Lake of the Woods, plus 
lesser-known areas as far as Kittson County. With little birding here 
in fall, the possibilities are many and unpredictable. Past Weekends 
here have averaged 150+ species, highlighted by 20 species each of 
shorebirds and warblers, and rarities like Prairie Falcon, Red Knot, 
Long-tailed Jaeger, 110 magpies in a single flock, and Nelson's 
Sharp-tailed Sparrow. (Base Thief River Falls)

• September 13-14 / Minnesota River Valley / $35
This forested "oasis" and migration corridor still remains as one of 
the most under-appreciated areas in the state. If the weather 
cooperates, we might well see the peak fall movement of warblers and 
other migrant woods birds; rocky outcrops, grasslands, and juniper 
groves invite western strays from the Dakotas; and nearby wetlands 
should yield a good variety of shorebirds and other water birds. (Base 
Redwood Falls)

• September 27 / Duluth I  / $25	• September 28 / Duluth II  / $25
Join us for either or both of these one-day trips around Duluth and 
vicinity, as we scour Lake Superior, Park Point, and the North Shore 
from Stoney Point to Two Harbors for fall migrants of all kinds. Recent 
Septembers at Park Point have seen records of Red Phalarope, all three 
jaegers, California, Sabine's and Little gulls, Arctic Tern, and 
passerines like Say’s Phoebe and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. (Base 

• October 17-18-19 / Leech Lake, Lake Winnie, and Mille Lacs / $190 
(meals and lodging included)
The fall counts of loons and gulls on these lakes have long been 
impressive, as is the list of recent rarities: e.g., Harlequin and 
Long-tailed ducks, all three scoters, Yellow-billed (twice), 
Red-throated and Pacific loons, and Little, Sabine's, California and 
even Mew gulls. A boat trip to Pelican Island (Elegant Tern here in 
2007!) on Leech Lake will even be offered, all lodging and meals will 
be at Deep Portage Conservation Reserve near Hackensack, and the fee 
covers 3 nights lodging and 7 meals (Fri. breakfast - Sun. breakfast).

• November 1-2 / North Shore / $35
• pre-Weekend option / October 31 / Duluth (sites not done Nov. 1-2: 
Park Point, Hawk Ridge, etc.) / $20 *
Brant, King Eider, Yellow-billed Loon, Purple Sandpiper, Black-legged 
Kittiwake, Ancient Murrelet, Anna's Hummingbird, Ash-throated 
Flycatcher, Fieldfare, Sage Thrasher: all recent North Shore records in 
November! More likely on this popular trip are Long-tailed Duck, all 
three scoters, Pacific Loon, Thayer’s Gull, Townsend's Solitaire, 
Bohemian Waxwing, winter finches, and more. (Base Duluth & Grand 

• January 10-11, 2009 / Duluth III  / $35
Little wonder this Weekend is such an annual tradition, with 
Sharp-tailed Grouse, Great Gray, Snowy and
N. Hawk owls, Black-backed Woodpecker, Northern Shrike, Boreal 
Chickadee, Bohemian Waxwing, and winter finches all among the 
specialties. Also, some not unexpected rarities have included Harlequin 
Duck, Spruce Grouse, Gyrfalcon, Am. Three-toed Woodpecker, Varied 
Thrush, and many others. (Base Duluth)

• January 17 - 25, 2009 / CALIFORNIA & ARIZONA / $100 deposit 
(Co-Leader Craig Mandel)
This Birding Week, our fourth in California, moves to January with 
Arizona (and balmy highs in the mid-60s) added to the itinerary! 
Coastal and montane habitats near San Diego, the Salton Sea, the Yuma 
and Phoenix areas of Arizona, and canyons and grasslands near Tucson 
will combine to produce well over 200 species. Among these: Brant, 
Eurasian Wigeon, Gambel's Quail, Black-vented Shearwater, numerous 
shorebirds and gulls (including Mountain Plover and Yellow-footed 
Gull), Ruddy Ground-Dove, Whiskered and Western screech-owls, 
Magnificent and Costa's hummingbirds, several woodpeckers (Lewis's, 
Acorn, Gila, Nuttall's, Arizona, and Gilded Flicker), Hammond's and 
Gray flycatchers, Hutton's Vireo, Mexican Jay, Bridled, Oak, and 
Juniper titmouse, Pygmy Nuthatch, Canyon Wren, California Gnatcatcher, 
Western Bluebird, Wrentit, Bendire's, California, Crissal, and Le 
Conte's thrashers, Phainopepla, Townsend's Warbler, Painted Redstart, 
towhees (Green-tailed, Canyon, California and Abert's) many sparrows 
(Sage, Rufous-winged, Rufous-crowned, Brewer's, and Yellow-eyed Junco), 
and much more. Information on the itinerary, lodging, and costs (about 
$1,000 double-occupancy + air fare + meals) will be sent in October.

• February 7 - 15, 2009 / SOUTH TEXAS / $100 deposit
During this Birding Week, our 22nd to the lower Rio Grande Valley, we 
can expect a long list of birds not found in Minnesota, many which 
occur nowhere else in the U.S. – including Black-bellied 
Whistling-Duck, Muscovy Duck, Plain Chachalaca, Least Grebe, Neotropic 
Cormorant, Hook-billed Kite, White-tailed Hawk, Whooping Crane, 
Red-billed Pigeon, White-tipped Dove, Green Parakeet, Red-crowned 
Parrot, Groove-billed Ani, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Common Pauraque, 
Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Ringed and Green kingfishers, Northern 
Beardless-Tyrannulet, Great Kiskadee, Tropical and Couch's kingbirds, 
Green and Brown jays, Cave Swallow, Black-crested Titmouse, 
Clay-colored Robin, Tropical Parula, White-collared Seedeater, Olive 
Sparrow, Altamira and Audubon's orioles, and more. Mexican rarities are 
also seen each winter: e. g., in 2005 alone, we saw Roadside Hawk, 
Common Black-Hawk, Elegant Trogan, White-throated Robin, Gray-crowned 
Yellowthroat, and Crimson-collared Grosbeak! Information will be sent 
in November about the itinerary, lodging, cost (last year about $750 
double-occupancy + air fare + meals), and weather: normal highs are in 
the low 70s – some 50 degrees warmer than in Minneapolis.

* NOTE: The Friday-only, pre-Weekend options may either be taken 
separately or in combination with the corresponding two-day Weekends in 
adjacent counties.

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