[mou] Odd cardinal behavior

keithecarl@usfamily.net keithecarl@usfamily.net
Sat, 3 Feb 2007 23:42:15 -0600

While cross country skiing in Clearly Lake Park south of Burnville in Dakota Co
near dusk around 5:15 p.m., I came to the top of hill and notice a bird fly
from the trail.  I pulled around my binocs in time to see a cardinal come back
and sit down on the trail, on very hard packed snow.  It was not foraging or
standing.  It just sat down only to fly away (again) when I started skiing
again.  At -10 F, this struck me as very odd behavior.  I would expect a bird
to perch in a tree in the most sheltered area it could find.  I know some
birds, like grouse? may roost in loose fluffy snow but sittng down of hard
packed in subzero temperatures just doesn't make sense.

If anybody has some insight, please let me know.