[mou] Rhapsody in Red (a poem about not shooting cardinals)

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Thu, 8 Feb 2007 10:04:16 -0600

My screen door creaks open - seventeen below
A sound effect from a Vincent Price show
Footsteps crunch loudly in new-fallen snow
Car engine turns over, barely working, so slow

My car is now warming; I clean windshield and mirror
A faint warbling birdsong finds way to my ear
A cardinal proclaiming "what-what-what-what cheer!"
Something's not right, why he calls is unclear

I listen and wonder, I stand very still
Is it a warning instead "Wind-wind-wind-wind chill?"
The clarion call from the red bird's red bill
Is it intuition or sheer power of will?

Mark Alt
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Project Resources Group
Best Buy Co., Inc.