[mou] raptors, anyone?

linda birds@moosewoods.us
Sun, 11 Feb 2007 18:27:17 -0600

gyrfalcon, a bit like clockwork: on 170th, south field, by 3:30--may 
have been ground-feeding first, then suddenly appeared on the irrigation 
equipment--made a couple of tentative flying feints at a duck, but 
quickly returned to perch


one mature bald eagle overhead

one Cooper's hawk, which flew close over 170th and darted into an open 
shed in the farmyard north of the road in apparent pursuit of a sparrow,
-- it disappeared behind a circular steel corn crib, presumably to dine

one kestrel, on a wire over Hwy 52, just north of the refinery

red(road?)tail hawks perched at the roadside on 52: three--
one on a hwy. sign, eating something large draped over the sign
one at the edge of the Pine Bend SNA
one near the open settling ponds

a few turkeys among the geese lounging at the grain-related rail 
terminal on Pine Bend Trail

one probable shrike at the entrance to the archery range in Spring Lake Park

Linda Whyte