[mou] buntings, huntings

linda birds@moosewoods.us
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 20:20:41 -0600

Grey Cloud Dunes SNA quiet:
one mature bald eagle overhead, red-bellied woodpecker, downy 
woodpecker, chickadee, nuthatch, blue jay, crows

quick pit stop at Schaar's Bluff: about 2 dozen snow buntings along the 
outer drive, one red-tail hawk catching a mouse

170th St.: gyrfalcon show--spotted her at 2:45 on the ground by the east 
irrigation equipment, eating; thankfully, Rob had been able to devise a 
"quick fix" for our telescope problem so we were able to get close-ups 
of her beautiful markings and colors as she preened--she then alternated 
between the ground and the south irrigation equipment, making forays 
through the flock, but grabbing nothing--at one point, she landed in a 
tree by the farmhouse, giving good looks--she was only upstaged once, by 
the bald eagle making a pass through the flocks

Linda Whyte