[mou] spirited v. thrush

linda birds@moosewoods.us
Sat, 17 Feb 2007 20:35:19 -0600

The varied thrush was observed again
today at the Eleanor/Edgecumbe site at 11:30 AM, a lifer for Rob. We 
first saw him in the maple tree that stands between the little spruce 
and the lilac bushes at the edge of the yard. He then flew down to eat 
under the feeders for about 10 minutes.
To our surprise, he was very assertive in dealing with house sparrows; a 
few different times, he chased sparrows out of his personal eating 
space, holding his own though outnumbered. He remained alert while 
feeding, raising his head and glancing around regularly. After a short 
period, he flew off low to the east, past the garage, toward the yard 
across the alley.

Linda Whyte