[mou] Short-Eared Owl Freeborn County

GaryJohnson 77vw@charter.net
Tue, 20 Feb 2007 19:31:31 -0600

   The Short-Eared Owl was seen briefly today (2-20-07) in Freeborn County 
flying low over the field south of Hwy 215 east of 860th street at about 
5pm. The viewing conditions for the SEO have changed quite a bit in the 
last two days.  With the warm temps. the fields are no longer mostly 
covered with snow. He is hard to see against the dark background of the 
field dirt.  Unless he is working the ditches next to the road, viewing is 
I first saw him on 2-18-07 from 4:45pm-5:45pm as posted on MOU 
sightings.  The next day I observed two owls, with one working the ditch 
immediately east of 860th St. on the south side. Again, the views were 
great!  He even flew as far east as the next road down past 860th.  All 
three days I looked during that last hour of daylight.
So, if you go, be patient and scan the fields south of Hwy. 215 east of 
Maple Island and even further east of 860th St.

Gary Johnson