[mou] lost

Kenneth Cantley ken_cantley@frontiernet.net
Sun, 25 Feb 2007 20:39:49 -0600

My wife has lost her wedding ring, and she is very heart broken.

This afternoon, 2/25/2007, we were down at the Black Dog Lake area.  
We were having a wonderful time watching Bald Eagles, Hawks,  
Trumpeter Swans and other wonderful waterfowl. When we got home she  
realized that her ring wedding ring was missing. She only got out of  
the car twice when we were in the area, once at the West end parking  
lot where we walked to the river to see a Bald Eagle in a tree and  
then across the street and up the bank a little ways to see two  
Trumpeter Swans. The other place she got out of the car was at the  
East end where there's a small pull-off/parking area just before the  
road curves south.

The ring is yellow gold, with a small diamond solitaire, and an  
attached band has several small diamonds on each side. There is an  
inscription on the inside of the ring that says "In Awe".

I am posting this message to this list because I know there are a lot  
of people here who visit this area regularly. I apologize if this  
message bothers or annoys anyone, as it is off subject, but I really  
need to make every effort to help my wife find her ring. I realize  
that it may be a lost hope with all of the new snow, but if anyone by  
the best of chances happens to be so lucky as to find it, I would so  
truly appreciate it if they could give us a call or email. I am more  
than willing to offer a reward for anyone that may find it. It is  
very precious to my wife.

Thank you all,
Ken Cantley

Home: 651-423-7421
Cell: 952-457-0984