[mou] Red-shafted Northern Flicker, Cottonwood County

rdunlap@gac.edu rdunlap@gac.edu
Tue, 02 Jan 2007 17:16:54 -0600

This morning after viewing the Green-tailed Towhee in Mountain Lake,  
Ben Fritchman, John and Chris Hockema, Jeff Stephenson, Jerry Pruet,  
and I found a Red-shafted Northern Flicker in the cemetery on the  
southeast side of Windom. The bird was an adult female and showed no  
signs of hybridization with Yellow-shafted. A very cool bird...the  
first I have seen in MN. Note that the Red-shafted and Yellow-shafted  
Flicker are considered to be one species, the Northern Flicker.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County