[mou] snowy owl Wabasha cty

Paul Smithson pasmithson@yahoo.com
Sun, 7 Jan 2007 07:45:53 -0800 (PST)

My wife and I birded from Red wing to Rochester on Saturday Jan 5.  The hig=
hlight was locating the snowy owl that had been seen last week by several f=
olks.  Directions to the spot where we found it are as follows:=0A =0AFrom =
Hwy 42 you want to head north on county rd 14.  (There is a sign for Immacu=
late Conception church at this intersection, it is visible from both direct=
ions) We went down county 14 for about 1/4 mile, just a little north of  58=
0th St.  The field to the west is full of hay bails wrapped in white plasti=
c, we parked next to one with the message "I love Wubsy" spray painted on i=
t.  From this spot we looked east across a corn field where the owl was on =
the ground near a patch of snow, about 50m off cty rd 14.  There is a farm =
road through the field, the owl was south of this road (this road makes a t=
riangle with county 14 and Hwy 42). We found the owl at 12:30pm.  It was on=
ly visible from county rd 14.=0A =0Aother birds sighted :=0Adozens of bald =
eagles on the ice from Lake Pepin down to Kellogg.=0A5 common mergansers at=
 Hok-si-la park=0Ahundreds of unidentifiable gulls (no scope)=0A3 American =
Kestrels along Hwy 42=0A =0ABest,=0APaul Smithson=0ALee & Rose Warner Natur=
e Center, Washington County=0A=0A__________________________________________=
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