[mou] Green-tailed Towhee band number

Tom Bell tnejbell@comcast.net
Wed, 10 Jan 2007 12:50:30 -0600

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Someone was delinquent in reporting their banding records to the Natl. =
Lab. If the Banding Lab bothers to check their records they will know =
which Master Bander was issued that band number. The Master Bander may =
have a few to many sub-permit holders that work under their permit. I =
know it is not easy to get all banders to submit their records in a =
timely basis.=20

Tom Bell
on Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Road South
Saint Paul Park MN 55071-1143
651 459-4150
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<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Someone was delinquent in reporting their banding =
records to=20
the Natl. Lab. If the Banding Lab bothers to check their records they =
will know=20
which Master Bander was issued that band number. The Master Bander may =
have a=20
few to many sub-permit holders that work under their permit. I know it =
is not=20
easy to get all banders to submit their records in a timely basis. =
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Tom Bell<BR>on Grey Cloud Island<BR>5868 Pioneer =
South<BR>Saint Paul Park MN 55071-1143<BR>651=20
