[mou] Snowy Owl events!

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Wed, 10 Jan 2007 15:02:32 -0600

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The owl was seen along the pave road that leads out to the bay beyond =
the UPS building.


I parked my Yukon right in front of the "No Trespassing" sign and was =
ready to take some digiscope photos near my truck of the owl when a tour =
bus came by and spooked the owl on one of the nearby  lumber company =
buildings close to my Yukon.  I walked maybe 50 yards beyond the sign ( =
my fault but I thought all I am doing is taking a photo of a owl )and =
then a fork lift operator asked me what I was doing.  I told him about =
the owl on top of the building. He told me I had to leave the area. I =
did so right away and walked backed to my Yukon. I then decided to take =
some long shot photos of the owl since I was not parked on private =
property.  I took 10 photos and left. I noticed as I left a truck =
pulling out of the parking lot and was right behind me.  I called Kim =
Eckert to notify him about the owl and still keeping an eye on this =
truck.  I got off I-35 onto Grand Avenue going near the Duluth Zoo and =
this truck was still following me!  I pulled over on a side street and =
the truck slowed down,  the driver looked at me for a few seconds and =
continue on.  I got back onto Grand Avenue and decided to follow him =
back to the lumber company to inform the managers I do not like this =
sort of harassment.  If I drove home then what? would they come out to =
get physical with me?  Would this  person write down my address down and =
do some drive bys to harass me or intimidate me?  So I called the police =
from my truck to inform them of this harassment.  I noticed the truck =
did not take the Port Terminal exit but there was yet another truck =
following me!  So I exited off I-35 on 5th Ave. W and decided to drive =
to the Police headquarters. The truck followed me all the way to the =
police headquarters where I parked along the 4th Avenue and then the =
truck doubled park next to me to block me in!  I got out of my truck and =
walked to his window to show him the photos of the owl but he was on his =
cell phone.  So two police officers came out and I talked to one officer =
and the driver to talked to the other guy.  The police officer told me =
that ALL Port Terminal is basically private property and has a high =
security. He told me next time I wanted to take photos of wildlife that =
is on private property in the Port Terminal area I needed to get the =
owners permission to do so.  The other police officer who questioned the =
other guy, came over to me to say "I am to stay away from their business =
and if I do return,  the employees of that business can do whatever is =
necessary to hold me till officers arrive"  I was shocked to hear this =
and I asked "even follow me to my residence"?  The officer says =
"anything! just stay from their business". =20

I noticed that the other guy was wearing a Hilltopper hockey jacket and =
most likely a parent whose son plays hockey for the school.  I told the =
guy I graduated from Cathedral/Marshall and know the hockey coach very =
well.  When the police officer left, I walked backed to my truck and =
finally the other guy says "next time you want to take pictures down =
there get my permission first" I thought "huh"?=20

So warning to all birders do not even think about driving down the pave =
road beyond the UPS building because according to one of the Duluth =
police officers if they ( any of the business employees or owners ) see =
anyone on their property which might include the road, they can =
physically pin you down, block your car,  follow you to your home and =
anything they can do to hold you till the police arrive!  Now I know =
very little about the laws in this country and maybe there is a lawyer =
reading this but my question is this, can employees of a business leave =
their property and get in their personal trucks and follow you around =
town if they suspect you doing something criminal?  The police officer =
called it a Citizen Arrest.

Ever since 911 the Port Terminal is on high alert so beware of that!

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>The owl =
was seen along=20
the pave road that leads out to the bay beyond the UPS =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>I parked =
my Yukon right=20
in front of the "No Trespassing" sign and was ready to take some =
photos near my truck&nbsp;of the owl when a tour bus came by and spooked =
the owl=20
on&nbsp;one of the&nbsp;nearby &nbsp;lumber company buildings close to =
Yukon.&nbsp; I walked maybe 50 yards beyond the sign ( my fault but I =
all I am doing is taking a photo of a owl )and then a fork lift operator =
me what I was doing.&nbsp; I told him about the owl on top of the =
building. He=20
told me I had to leave the area. I did so right away and walked backed =
to my=20
Yukon. I then decided to take some long shot photos of the =
owl&nbsp;since I was=20
not&nbsp;parked on private property.&nbsp; I took 10 photos and left. I =
as I left a truck pulling out of the parking lot and was right behind =
I called Kim Eckert to notify him about the owl and still keeping an eye =
on this=20
truck.&nbsp; I got off I-35 onto Grand Avenue going near the Duluth Zoo =
and this=20
truck was still following me!&nbsp; I pulled over on a side street and =
the truck=20
slowed down,&nbsp; the driver looked at me for a few seconds and =
continue on.=20
&nbsp;I got back onto Grand Avenue and decided to follow him back to the =
company to inform the managers I do not like this sort of =
harassment.&nbsp; If I=20
drove home then what? would they come out to get physical with=20
me?&nbsp;&nbsp;Would this&nbsp; person&nbsp;write down&nbsp;my address =
down and=20
do some drive bys to harass me or intimidate me?&nbsp; So I called the =
from my truck to inform them of this harassment.&nbsp; I noticed the =
truck did=20
not take the Port Terminal exit but there was yet another truck =
me!&nbsp; So I exited off I-35 on 5th Ave. W and decided to drive to the =
headquarters. The truck followed me all the way to the police =
headquarters where=20
I parked along the 4th Avenue and then the truck doubled park next to me =
block me in!&nbsp; I got out of my truck and walked to his window to =
show him=20
the photos of the owl but he was on his cell phone.&nbsp; So two police =
came out and I talked to one officer and the driver to talked to the =
guy.&nbsp; The police officer told me that ALL Port Terminal is =
private property and has a high security. He told me next time I wanted =
to take=20
photos of wildlife that is on private property&nbsp;in the Port Terminal =

area&nbsp;I needed to get the owners permission to do so.&nbsp; The =
other police=20
officer who questioned the other guy, came over to me to say "I am to =
stay away=20
from their business and if I do&nbsp;return, &nbsp;the employees of that =

business can do whatever is necessary to hold me till officers =
arrive"&nbsp; I=20
was shocked to hear this and I asked "even follow me to my =
residence"?&nbsp; The=20
officer says "anything! just&nbsp;stay from their business".&nbsp; =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>I noticed =
that the=20
other guy was wearing a Hilltopper hockey jacket and most likely a=20
parent&nbsp;whose son&nbsp;plays hockey for the school.&nbsp; I told the =
guy I=20
graduated from Cathedral/Marshall and know the hockey coach very =
When the police officer left, I walked backed to my truck and finally =
the other=20
guy says "next time you want to take pictures down there get my =
first" I thought "huh"? </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>So =
warning to all=20
birders do not even think about driving down the pave road beyond the =
building because according to one of the Duluth police officers if they =
( any of=20
the business employees or owners ) see anyone on their property which =
include the road, they can physically pin you down, block your =
car,&nbsp; follow=20
you to your home and anything they can do to hold you till the police=20
arrive!&nbsp; Now I know very little about the laws in this country and =
there is a lawyer reading this but my question is this, can employees of =
business leave their property and get in their personal trucks and =
follow you=20
around town if they suspect you doing something criminal?&nbsp; The =
officer called it a Citizen Arrest.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Ever =
since 911 the Port=20
Terminal is on high alert so beware of that!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Michael=20
Hendrickson<BR>Duluth, Minnesota<BR><A=20
