[mou] golden eagle count coming up

joan schnabel/jeff falk joanjeff@centurytel.net
Sun, 14 Jan 2007 14:03:49 -0600

Hi, the annual Golden Eagle count is scheduled for Saturday Jan.  
20th.  Everyone is invitied to participate.  You can come and ride  
with one of us,  have your own route, or count in your own area.    
Last year we had a total of 27 Golden Eagles sighted, and 365 balds,  
154 redtails, and 35 rough legs.  We are centered in Buffalo county  
WI with most people counting in SW Wisconsin, SE Minnesota and  
Northern Iowa.  We hope you can join us.  There will be a gathering  
at Scott Mehus's house at 4:00 after the count.   118 W 5th  (corner  
of Humbolt and 5th)  in Buffalo City WI.  For more info, routes,  
sightings, etc   please either email me, or call Scott 608-248-2698   
Sorry for the late notice, will also post results after the count.   