[mou] Hummingbirds.

Gerald Wozniak geraldwozniak@hibbing.edu
Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:31:37 -0600

Check out the January 2007 National Geographic--pages 114-129--for =
magnificent, beautiful photographs of hummingbirds.  Plus, an article, =

The cover page piece, however, is sad and disturbing: "Amazon--Forest to =
Farms--Battle to Stop the Land Grab."

                                   "In the time it takes to read this =
article, an area of Brazil's rain forest larger that 200 football          =
                                    fields will have been destroyed."  =
(opening quote)

Excellent article, also, in the December issue of Geographic on the ivory =
billed woodpecker, page 143, "The Ghost Bird."