[mou] MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD, etc., Dakota County

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:05:43 -0600

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Jan. 18, 2007
2:00 P.M.
Dakota County
Ravenna Twp

Female MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD perched on a wire. Location is 175th St E. and Presley Circle. This is a few miles SE of Hastings. From Ravenna Trail (Hi 54) go west on 175th 0.4 miles. The bird was on the wire on the north side of the road with 12 Cedar Waxwings about 75 m east of Presley Circle. After about 10 minutes it flew off with the waxwings to the north over the stand of conifers. I remained in the vicinity for one hour but did not relocate the bird. There is a lot of habitat here so it's likely to still be in the area. If no luck here, try going 0.5 mile further west to Polk Ave, then go north 0.5 miles and look for a patch of habitat on the east (right) side of road. There was a group of about 100 waxwings feeding in the crabapples here. When I returned to the original site, there was a larger group of waxwings perched in the same spot where the bluebird was originally found. 

I believe there are 2 previous records for Dakota (per Drew Smith). 

Other sightings today:

The Slaty-backed Gull was again present at the marina in Prescott at 1:30 P.M. today. It remained on the Minnesota side close to the ice, but flew around quite a bit affording stunning views. Present with it were one adult and one imm. Glaucous Gull, plus the funky leucistic gull that's been around since November.

A lovely flock of 7 fat Chukars gave me considrable pause when I first spotted them about 1/4 mile away as they fed along 180th near Hogan Ave. (by the nursery). While in my cara I eventually got within 2 feet of one of them as I'm sure it thought I was the feed wagon. 

Six Snow Buntings on wire (!) near entrance road to Spring Lake RP. Also about 10 Horned Larks here as well.

Good luck

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<DIV>Jan. 18, 2007</DIV>
<DIV>2:00 P.M.</DIV>
<DIV>Dakota County</DIV>
<DIV>Ravenna Twp</DIV>
<DIV>Female&nbsp;MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD perched on a wire. Location is 175th St E. and Presley Circle. This is a few miles SE of Hastings. From Ravenna Trail (Hi 54) go west on 175th 0.4 miles. The bird was on the wire on the north side of the road with 12 Cedar Waxwings about 75 m east of Presley Circle. After about 10 minutes it flew off with the waxwings to the north over the stand of conifers. I remained in the vicinity for one hour but did not relocate the bird. There is a lot of habitat here so it's likely&nbsp;to still be&nbsp;in the area. If no luck here, try going 0.5 mile further west to Polk Ave, then go north 0.5 miles and look for a patch of habitat on the east (right) side of road. There was a group of about 100 waxwings feeding in the crabapples here. When I returned to the original site, there was a larger group of waxwings perched in the same spot where the bluebird was originally found. </DIV>
<DIV>I believe there are 2 previous records for Dakota (per Drew Smith). </DIV>
<DIV>Other sightings today:</DIV>
<DIV>The Slaty-backed Gull was again present at the marina in Prescott at 1:30 P.M. today. It remained on the Minnesota side close to the ice, but flew around quite a bit affording stunning views. Present with it were one adult and one imm. Glaucous Gull, plus the funky leucistic gull that's been around since November.</DIV>
<DIV>A lovely flock of 7 fat&nbsp;Chukars gave me considrable pause when I first spotted them about 1/4 mile away as they fed along 180th near Hogan Ave. (by the nursery). While in my cara I eventually got within 2 feet of one of them as I'm sure it thought I was the feed wagon. </DIV>
<DIV>Six Snow Buntings on wire (!) near entrance road to Spring Lake RP. Also about 10 Horned Larks here as well.</DIV>
<DIV>Good luck</DIV>