[mou] BARR0W'S GOLDENEYE, Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:18:01 -0600

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Jan. 21, 2007
Prescott, WI

I received a report of a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on Friday, Jan. 19, seen from Prescott, WI, marina. At noon today I found a male BAGO from the overlook at Freedom Park, just south of downtown Prescott. The bird was among many hundreds of Common Goldeneye and Common Mergansers on the Dakota County, MN, side of the river and eventually swam into Wisconsin. Other species of interest here included a male Bufflehead, male Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Slaty-backed (ho-hum), Thayer's, Glaucous Gulls (2). 

Also saw a richardson's Merlin perched at CR 42 and Inga Rd near Spring Lake RP entrance sign (close to where the five Snow Buntings continue to perch daily on the power lines just west of the entrance sign!). 

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<DIV>Jan. 21, 2007</DIV>
<DIV>Prescott, WI</DIV>
<DIV>I received a report of a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on Friday, Jan. 19, seen from&nbsp;Prescott, WI, marina. At noon today I found a male BAGO from the overlook at Freedom Park, just south of downtown Prescott. The bird was among many hundreds of Common Goldeneye and Common Mergansers on the Dakota County, MN, side of the river and eventually swam into Wisconsin. Other species of interest here included a male Bufflehead, male Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Slaty-backed (ho-hum), Thayer's, Glaucous Gulls (2). </DIV>
<DIV>Also&nbsp;saw a&nbsp;richardson's Merlin perched at CR 42 and Inga Rd near Spring Lake RP entrance sign (close to where the five Snow Buntings continue to perch daily on the power lines just west of the entrance sign!). </DIV>