[mou] Re: gull id help requested.

dan&erika danerika@gmail.com
Mon, 22 Jan 2007 21:12:32 -0600

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Thanks to all who replied.  I am convinced that the photo I asked about is
indeed of a Thayer's Gull (in a plumage with which I was unfamiliar).  I
will have to make another trek if the Slaty-backed Gull is still in


On 1/22/07, dan&erika <danerika@gmail.com> wrote:
> I went to Prescott this morning and saw one gull that looked
> different.  Is it a slaty-backed???
> http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/slaty2.jpg
> Reasons for:
> 1, white subterminal wing spots clearly visible
> 2. streaked head and neck
> 3. darker gray underside to wings (as per Sibley) than herring.
> 4. black on outer edges of primaries
> 5. deep pink legs.
> Reason agains:
> 1. Mantle seems way too pale.
> I would appreciate any input from anybody with experience with the
> species.
> dan
> --
> Dan or Erika Tallman
> Around the Bend Birding Tours
> http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours
> danerika@gmail.com
> 2120 Taylor Ct., Northfield, MN 55047
> ".... the best shod travel with wet feet"
> "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ...."--Thoreau

Dan or Erika Tallman
Around the Bend Birding Tours
2120 Taylor Ct., Northfield, MN 55047

".... the best shod travel with wet feet"
"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ...."--Thoreau

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Thanks to all who replied.&nbsp; I am convinced that the photo I asked about is indeed of a Thayer&#39;s Gull (in a plumage with which I was unfamiliar).&nbsp; I will have to make another trek if the Slaty-backed Gull is still in Prescott.
<br><br>dan<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 1/22/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">dan&amp;erika</b> &lt;<a href="mailto:danerika@gmail.com">danerika@gmail.com</a>&gt; wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
I went to Prescott this morning and saw one gull that looked<br>different.&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it a slaty-backed???<br><br><a href="http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/slaty2.jpg">http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/slaty2.jpg
</a><br><br>Reasons for:<br><br>1, white subterminal wing spots clearly visible<br>2. streaked head and neck<br>3. darker gray underside to wings (as per Sibley) than herring.<br>4. black on outer edges of primaries<br>5. deep pink legs.
<br><br>Reason agains:<br><br>1. Mantle seems way too pale.<br><br>I would appreciate any input from anybody with experience with the species.<br><br>dan<br>--<br>Dan or Erika Tallman<br>Around the Bend Birding Tours<br><a href="http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours">
http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours</a><br><a href="mailto:danerika@gmail.com">danerika@gmail.com</a><br>2120 Taylor Ct., Northfield, MN 55047<br><br>&quot;.... the best shod travel with wet feet&quot;
<br>&quot;Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ....&quot;--Thoreau<br></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Dan or Erika Tallman <br>Around the Bend Birding Tours<br><a href="http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours">
http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours</a><br><a href="mailto:danerika@gmail.com">danerika@gmail.com</a><br>2120 Taylor Ct., Northfield, MN 55047<br><br>&quot;.... the best shod travel with wet feet&quot; 
<br>&quot;Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ....&quot;--Thoreau
