[mou] gull id help requested.

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Mon, 22 Jan 2007 22:19:00 -0600

I stand corrected..  this is a Thayers.

steve weston

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "dan&erika" <danerika@gmail.com>
To: "MOU net" <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>; "Minnesota birds" 
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 12:21 PM
Subject: [mou] gull id help requested.

>I went to Prescott this morning and saw one gull that looked
> different.  Is it a slaty-backed???
> http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/slaty2.jpg
> Reasons for:
> 1, white subterminal wing spots clearly visible
> 2. streaked head and neck
> 3. darker gray underside to wings (as per Sibley) than herring.
> 4. black on outer edges of primaries
> 5. deep pink legs.
> Reason agains:
> 1. Mantle seems way too pale.
> I would appreciate any input from anybody with experience with the 
> species.
> dan
> -- 
> Dan or Erika Tallman
> Around the Bend Birding Tours
> http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours
> danerika@gmail.com
> 2120 Taylor Ct., Northfield, MN 55047
> ".... the best shod travel with wet feet"
> "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ...."--Thoreau
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