[mou] Mille Lacs & Sherburne Observations

Pastor Al Schirmacher pastoral at princetonfreechurch.net
Mon Jun 11 10:43:09 CDT 2007

Enjoyed a home-based week of vacation, fit some birding in between 
commitments.  General & specific observations:

* 121 species, including 15 species of warblers (few from a short, 
rain-filled Aitkin morning)

* LeConte's Sparrows in Mille Lacs County (Mille Lacs WMA, highway 22, 
across from headquarters, about two miles from CR 20 entrance)

* Late Junco, Blue Hill Trail, Sherburne NWR, June 4th (one day wonder)

* 33 Ovenbirds (32 singing) in Kathio State Park one morning

* Least Bitterns (Rice Lake & Mille Lacs WMA - latter seen by Nathan only)

* Kunkel WMA (along 95, across from CR 5 intersection) produced Grasshopper 
& Field Sparrows, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (all unusual for Mille Lacs County - 
although admittedly only couple of miles from Sherburne County border and 
the refuge)

* Dickcissels (three singing in my yard on Mille Lacs 12)

* Singing Whip-poor-wills, Ann Lake (evening and early morning).

Interesting to live on the northern/southern MN boundary!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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