[mou] Sherburne, southern Mille Lacs + Twin Cities Report

Pastor Al Schirmacher pastoral at princetonfreechurch.net
Thu Jun 21 09:37:25 CDT 2007

99 species this week in the area (including a Saturday morning visit to 
Cliff Fen & Ft. Snelling in the cities):

* Eight flycatchers, including a Western Kingbird on Sherburne CR 8, about 
1/2 mile south of CR 10 (regular in the area there)

* Bell's Vireo, Cliff Fen (heard only)

* Eleven warblers, including the Chat at Cliff Fen & Prothonotary at Ft. 
Snelling - songs beginning to diminish in the refuge - Mourning, 
Golden-winged and Blue-winged still easy finds on Blue Hill Trail

* Eleven sparrows, including the Henslow's on Sherburne CR 70

* Seven blackbirds, including an Orchard Oriole on Sherburne NWR's Prairie 
Wildlife Tour (parking lot near entrance) and Western Meadowlarks on 
Sherburne CR 8 and the Wildlife Tour this morning (latter not consistently 

* Semipalmated Sandpiper at Sherburne CR 2, couldn't tell whether he/she was 
faced north or south - so either late or early - more white on the face & 
neck then used to seeing - otherwise classic

* Golden-crowned Kinglets on Blue Hill Trail (conifer section).

Misses include:  Northern Harrier & American Kestrel - Sora & Virginia 
Rail - both Cuckoos (have gone quiet) - Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Belted 
Kingfisher (numbers way down this year in the area) - Red-headed Woodpecker 
(have only seen in the refuge/area twice this spring).

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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