[mou] Sharp-tailed Grouse/other NE MN birds

sparky stensaas sparkystensaas@hotmail.com
Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:13:08 +0000

<html><div style='background-color:'><P>On Wednesday and Thursday this week I was guiding Joanne from Salt Lake City. We had a great time.<BR><BR>HIGHLIGHTS:<BR><BR>SHARP-TAILED GROUSE:&nbsp;[8 dancing (!) on top of two feet of snow at the lek on Aitkin CR6 just 1/2 mile south of MN210 (Tamarack)</P>
<P>BOREAL CHICKADEES: In Sax-Zim 2 were along CR52 (Arkola)&nbsp;0.6 miles east of Owl Avenue. (This two mile stretch is the best place to look for them now that Owl Avenue is ruined.)</P>
<P>BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER: Hedbom Road (plowed). Male near road on North side...No need to wade!<BR><BR>RED CROSSBILL: At same spot on Hedbom Road as BBWoodpecker.<BR><BR>COMMON REDPOLLS: Several locations in Aitkin County (Hedbom Road, CR18) and&nbsp;Sax-Zim (feeder on CR7 south of CR52)</P>
<P>SNOW BUNTINGS: Four flocks totalling 145 birds. Sax-Zim (CR 7 north of CR 52), Aitkin CR 3 just west of MN169.</P>
<P>ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS: Not all have vacated northern Minnesota after the snows. Two along MN169 north of Aitkin CR3.</P>
<P>BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE: A little south of normal range. Along St.Louis CR7 1.3 miles South of CR47 (on a road-killed deer)<BR><BR>PINE GROSBEAKS: Duluth. Along Raleigh Road just east of the zoo.<BR><BR><BR>Sparky Stensaas <BR>2515 Garthus Road <BR>Wrenshall, MN 55797&nbsp; <BR>218.341.3350 cell <BR>sparkystensaas@hotmail.com </P></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMBENUS/2743??PS=47575" target="_top">Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live!</a> </html>