[mou] Around the Metro

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Fri, 16 Mar 2007 01:28:15 -0500

On Wednesday I crossed Scott County from north to south and then again from 
west to east.  There was lots of water in the fields and some of the ponds 
have started to open up.  I had expected to see some blackbirds, but found 
none.  The only migrant I saw was a male Eastern Bluebird.  I heard nothing 
from thawing frogs.  I expect to hear the chorus frogs soon.

I saw a Crow cross Highway 160 in Edina carrying nesting material.  Also 
found a couple of Red-tailed Hawks in or around their nests in Dakota 
County.   On Tuesday a Peregrine Falcon was calling as it flew through the 
canyons of downtown St. Paul.

Today (Thursday)  I found a blackbird, which I assumed was a Red-winged, 
perched atop a large light tower at Hwy 5 and Prairie Center Drive, just 
north of Purgatory Creek.  Interesting was that it was perched at the top of 
antenna or whatever the wire is atop the tower.  I don't know how it was 
hanging on up there.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN