[mou] Donations for Whooping Cranes--Remembering the Class of 2006

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Sun, 18 Mar 2007 20:12:24 -0600

The cost of guiding the cranes by ultralight aircraft one mile on their=20=

fall migration is (was this past fall) $206. Sponsor a mile.

Jim Williams

On Mar 17, 2007, at 1:07 PM, Ken & Pam Perry wrote:

As Chair of the MOU Conservation Committee, I am sending this e-mail to=20=

you through the Minnesota birding list serves to encourage a donation=20
on behalf of the recent Whooping Crane loss in Florida.=A0 There are two=20=

organizations that can accept donations (501c3) and that are working=20
directly on the re-establishment of Whooping Cranes.=A0 These are=20
Operation Migration (www.operationmigration.org) and the International=20=

Crane Foundation (www.savingcranes.org).=A0 I also spoke with Neil =
at the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation office in the Twin Cities=20=

and he told me that his organization will match these donations (dollar=20=

for dollar) up to $50,000.
If you want to make a donation to help Whooping Cranes, I suggest that=20=

you check out the web sites that I have listed above.=A0 Both sites have=20=

instructions on how to make a donation and you can state the reason for=20=

the donation.=A0 Perhaps you have a little extra cash coming back in an=20=

income tax refund.=A0 Or, perhaps you just want to let these=20
organizations that are devoted to cranes know that the folks in=20
Minnesota felt the loss when we heard the terrible news after the=20
Florida tornado.
--Pam Perry, Brainerd