[mou] Breeding Bird Survey Route

RBJanssen@aol.com RBJanssen@aol.com
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:33:02 EDT

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The Frontenac (Goodhue County) Breeding Bird Survey Route #58 is open and  
needs a volunteer to survey this route in June.  If you are interested  please 
contact me as soon as possible at my e-mail address.  It is very  important 
that this essential route be covered this season.  Thanks for  your help.
Bob Janssen

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<DIV>The Frontenac (Goodhue County) Breeding Bird Survey Route #58 is open a=
needs a volunteer to survey this route in June.&nbsp; If you are interested=20
please contact me as soon as possible at my e-mail address.&nbsp; It is very=
important that this essential route be covered this season.&nbsp; Thanks for=
your help.</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Janssen</DIV></FONT><BR><BR><BR><DIV><FONT style=3D"color: black; f=
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