[mou] Spotted a lone TREE SWALLOW today and 5 SCAUP yesterday at the effluent channel here at work along t

Mike Elling mike.elling@metc.state.mn.us
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 13:32:28 -0500

Spotted a lone TREE SWALLOW today and 5 SCAUP yesterday at the effluent
channel here at work along the Mississippi River in St. Paul.  I was
unable to determine if the SCAUP were Greaters or Lessers as I had no
binocs and was not all that close.

Seems early for the TREE SWALLOW, but can't say for sure without
checking the expected arrival times.

Mike Elling
Ramsey County
At work along the Mississippi River, St. Paul, MN
Metro Sewage Treatment Plant Lab (Pigseye)