[mou] Of Cooper's hawks and swamp sparrows

Rob Daves rob_daves@yahoo.com
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:27:20 -0700 (PDT)

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The Cooper's hawks have returned to their nest along West River Parkway at Bassett's Creek in downtown Minneapolis.  Shortly before 1 p.m. today the male was flying from the nest to the female and back, and both were vocalizing strongly.  This is the fourth or fifth year I've observed a Cooper's hawk pair in that area.    Also this week, the ring-billed gulls have returned to the river, and I've seen bufflehead, coot, and lesser scaup upstream of St. Anthony Falls.
  Yesterday I observed several swamp sparrows at Woodlake Nature Center.  They were perched on the cattails just where the trail closest to the visitor's center crosses the lake.
  Good birding to all...
  Rob Daves

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<div>The Cooper's hawks have returned to their nest along West River Parkway at Bassett's Creek in downtown Minneapolis.&nbsp; Shortly before 1 p.m.&nbsp;today the male was flying from the nest to the female and back, and both were vocalizing strongly.&nbsp; This is the fourth or fifth year I've observed a Cooper's hawk pair in that area.&nbsp; &nbsp; Also&nbsp;this week, the ring-billed gulls have returned to the river, and&nbsp;I've&nbsp;seen bufflehead, coot, and lesser scaup upstream of St. Anthony Falls.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Yesterday I observed several swamp sparrows at Woodlake Nature Center.&nbsp; They were perched on the cattails just where the trail&nbsp;closest to the visitor's center crosses the lake.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Good birding to all...</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Rob Daves</div>  <div>Minneapolis</div><p>&#32;

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