[mou] Spring around the metro

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 01:19:15 -0500

With the south winds of the last couple of days bringing spring warmth, the 
migrants are invading the area.  Red-wing Blackbirds are on territory 
everywhere.  Grackles are on the tops of trees. Killdeer are calling 
overhead.  And diverse waterfowl are here arriving in numbers despite most 
lakes still being frozen.   This morning (Friday) we had a pair of Wood 
Ducks swimming in the recent open water along the shore of Lake Quiggley. 
Tomorrow I have to finish the repairs on a wood duck house and get it hung.

Later in the morning, still in Eagan, I saw a V or Canada Geese flying low. 
The last eight were Cackling Geese.  About noon, I was checking out the 
small ponds east of Buffalo.  Most of the geese from a few days ago were 
gone, along with the Ross' Goose.  The Killdeer were still there as were a 
few Gadwell and Green-winged Teal.  Nearby was a Kestrel.  Near Pelican Lake 
I found a Northen Shoveler, Hooded Mergansers and Ring-necked Ducks. 
Overhead a V of Tundra Swan included more than a hundred swans.  Back in 
town I found a Great Egret.

Tomorrow looks promising.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN