[mou] Central MN birding

Nathan Schirmacher natester166@hotmail.com
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 14:12:18 -0400

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Went birding this morning with my Dad. We stopped at the ponds on 169 and C=
R 13 in Mille Lacs County. We had 74 Greater White-Fronted Geese, instead o=
f yesterday's two Cackling there was two Snow geese. We had a Canvasback,on=
e confirmed Tundra Swan,and many Trumpeter swans. We had 17 waterfowl speci=
es for the last two days in Mille Lacs and Sherburne counties. Other migran=
ts were one Eastern Phoebe,one Brewer's Blackbird,one Tree Swallow; as well=
 as Fox, Swamp and Song sparrows today. Seven raptor species as well. Great=
 birding day with 55 species.Nathan Schirmacher,Mille Lacs County
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<body><div style=3D"text-align: left;">Went birding this morning with my Da=
d. We stopped at the ponds on 169 and CR 13 in Mille Lacs County. We had 74=
 Greater White-Fronted Geese, instead of yesterday's two Cackling there was=
 two Snow geese. We had a Canvasback,one confirmed Tundra Swan,and many Tru=
mpeter swans. We had 17 waterfowl species for the last two days in Mille La=
cs and Sherburne counties. Other migrants were one Eastern Phoebe,one Brewe=
r's Blackbird,one Tree Swallow; as well as Fox, Swamp and Song sparrows tod=
ay. Seven raptor species as well. Great birding day with 55 species.<br><br=
><br><br>Nathan Schirmacher,<br>Mille Lacs County<br></div><br /><hr />i'm =
making a difference.=A0Make every IM count for the cause of your choice.  <=
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_new'>Join now!</a></body>
