[mou] Mille Lacs County Falcon

Nathan Schirmacher natester166@hotmail.com
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 20:35:41 -0400

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Nathan was playing basketball this evening while keeping one eye to the ski=
es.  He observed a falcon fly rather casually over (through his bins ~20 fe=
et high) that landed in a tree approximately 250 yards distant, set up the =
scope and alerted me.  Following is a combined description from binocular a=
nd scope views:* White breast and underbelly, few black spots on breast, mo=
re on belly* Very tan mantle & coverts* Black streaking on axillaries & und=
erwing coverts, lighter on the primaries & secondaries* Light supercilium* =
Dark mustache* Dark ear patch* Mid-sized falcon, clearly larger than a Kest=
rel or Merlin.  * We live in an open, rural, rather agricultural area.  It =
perched at the top of a 30 foot tree, giving decent but distant 30-60X scop=
e views.  I was reminded of a Peregrine Falcon, but the face was different =
than I have seen on any adult or immature Peregrines observed in the past -=
 and other characteristics don't match well either.  Migration has been int=
ense all day up here.  Note that we have carefully avoided the word "Prairi=
e" until now....Would enjoy preliminary commentary before submitting docume=
ntation.  Thanks!Al & Nathan SchirmacherPrinceton, MN (8 miles north)(Pleas=
e respond to both natester166@hotmail.com and pastoral@princetonfreechurch.=
net, if possible.  Thanks!)
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<body><div style=3D"text-align: left;">Nathan was playing basketball this e=
vening while keeping one eye to the skies.&nbsp; He observed a falcon fly r=
ather casually over (through his bins ~20 feet high) that landed in a tree =
approximately 250 yards distant, set up the scope and alerted me.&nbsp; Fol=
lowing is a combined description from binocular and scope views:<br><br>* W=
hite breast and underbelly, few black spots on breast, more on belly<br>* V=
ery tan mantle &amp; coverts<br>* Black streaking on axillaries &amp; under=
wing coverts, lighter on the primaries &amp; secondaries<br>* Light superci=
lium<br>* Dark mustache<br>* Dark ear patch<br>* Mid-sized falcon, clearly =
larger than a Kestrel or Merlin.&nbsp; <br>* We live in an open, rural, rat=
her agricultural area.&nbsp; It perched at the top of a 30 foot tree, givin=
g decent but distant 30-60X scope views.&nbsp; I was reminded of a Peregrin=
e Falcon, but the face was different than I have seen on any adult or immat=
ure Peregrines observed in the past - and other characteristics don't match=
 well either.&nbsp; Migration has been intense all day up here.&nbsp; <br><=
br>Note that we have carefully avoided the word "Prairie" until now....<br>=
<br>Would enjoy preliminary commentary before submitting documentation.&nbs=
p; Thanks!<br><br>Al &amp; Nathan Schirmacher<br>Princeton, MN (8 miles nor=
th)<br>(Please respond to both natester166@hotmail.com and pastoral@princet=
onfreechurch.net, if possible.&nbsp; Thanks!)<br><br></div><br /><hr />Take=
 a break and play crossword puzzles - FREE! <a href=3D'http://games.msn.com=
/en/flexicon/default.htm?icid=3Dflexicon_ wlmemailtaglinemarch07 ' target=
=3D'_new'>Play Now!</a></body>
